Thursday, June 26, 2008
Rub the rubber duck

Monday, June 23, 2008
Pills for illusions

Monday, June 16, 2008
Hate to a new level

It is offically back to school. Class with low attendance as usual, I must say. Mircocontroller Systems. See, the module speaks of its own "Chimology" stuff. It was something new today about some "interrupt" thing in the mircochip, it is alike us, doing our work, focused but when someone claps for example, we get interrupted thus, stop but unaffected we head back to what we were doing earlier. At least analogies can be applied to Engineering.
In the midst of the day, after lunch with baby. I surprised her with gifts. Hope you love it baby, I like the colour, texture and how the pages are tied up all well with a bookmark, use it only for your personal yeah, do not be afraid to write anything down because I just want you to note down your feelings, reflections, thoughts and so on. The next gift, Ben and Jerry's ice cream sometime soon, but I do not want you to wait for some time to go with me or anything just use it when you want and can.
Before, she left school for work and I left for home, I decided ok it was time for her to have my kind of 1st love letter to her though I wrote to her here and there many times before. I even got a draft done so that I could count how many heart shaped stickers I could use and so on to aid me with writing a proper one. Hope it wasn't a real rush for her but hey it is for you, my love. What is the occasion some may ponder, well nothing just a suprise gift randomly!
Heading back to the Train station was a pouring wet exprience. It rain for at least an hour, but it was heavy enough to keep the drain filled with strong gushing water, cars that splashed water when they drove wildly through countless pool of puddles and for half of RP's student having their legs totoally wet and with shoes getting heavier. Wonder why would they build a sheltered walkway all the way from school to the interchange leaving just a short distance not sheltered which got many drenched in the end. The walkway sheltered, but the drainage system awully bad, so it keeps our upper body dry but the lower darn wet till the uncovered way mentioned earlier. Wells just a thought while reflecting back on that.
Church it was, a sudden feeling to go, some will call it a calling in some way. Not knowing it was the last day of confirmation camp 08' confirmants attended evening mass as well. Did a little prayer and back home it was.
Exit to enter a new day. Falling into interest with my title for the last post, its meaning simple but varies through different thoughts of different minds.

Exit to the Enter.
Hoildays oh holidays, it has come to end. 8 and 1/2 weeks to go, 3 more sets of UTs to go, a couple more lab sessions and a couple more quiet days I reckon is coming. However, it does not mean it has to be bad, I will try my best to not only hang in there, but to enjoy a little and do fine.
Events noted down from my 2week long hols.
The 1st weekend to me was a little vague, my bad if I missed out anything that I should remember only just that I have entered mid year, June. So come Monday, I went out with baby we were each other's accompany, I went to get my sister's belated birthday present in town. Headed back to the Hub to get my baby's friend's birthday present, thought it was a short meet up with her, but it was sure quite nice. It was pretty much slack at home and in no time we landed ourselves in town and all. So what can make a present look better for a birthday? I guess it will be the old time tranditional cake, met my parents at amk hub after sending her off to the bus stop. So midnight, 2nd June we suprised my sister, she did not even sense anything since her birthday was celebrated overseas kind of way back to the 25th of May, so who would have thought, guess none other than the ideas of mine and the effort of my parents.
On other days up, it was chilling and hanging around with baby, Gardens where we had different meals and hang out all over the regions of Gardens, two parks, RK, Chomps and Haato.
Singapore flyer area with her on Wed, Popeyes for dinner, pretty good and more juicy compared to the airport's. Collected a bag for baby's mum at Millena Walk, got each other some King sized kit kat and some sour sweet from Candy Empire. Walked around and viewed the majestic flyer from below and visited the Yakults forrest.
Others days must have been just chilling back home, heading over to her place as well. Which left the rest of the 1st weekend to work, Fri to Sun at Swiss Club. They had functions which were pretty interesting, Sweden's independence day so I got to work most of the time with baby, but I did bar which she got "jealous" of, showing me that argh-face as she wanted to do bar too. Pretty long hours all the way for the next two days, Sat was the longest, all in all 13 hours of work! It was some dinner and dance event which lasted the whole night long, leaving the rest and I working, pretty much drained out. Sunday, it seemed a little more relaxed, it was the Euro Cup match Austria vs Croatia where Swiss Club once again held an function for it, did bar again for that night. Since it was the last night out of the 3 working days and nights, I guess we slacked and took our time, she and I made coffee, ate biscuits, had a long walk out and decided for Gardens RK for supper, finally she sending me back by cab thereafter she went home at about 3 to 4am, thank you. Ha.
2nd Monday, Celebrated at Paragon's Canale's Chocolate place had a funny tasting ice cream crepes and headed on for dinner at lido where we decided for a movie, Sex and the city. It was a pretty good show, thought that there would be more sexual scenes but nah, a humble amount but a man's privates was a little shown, pretty liberal and open these days aye. Movie's all about Love, love all around, what love can do (hurt, cure or simply love) and of course friendship that last. Movie ended later than expected, luckily for good'o late night timings of buses.
Alright, my post are always long but you got to say it is way detailed that's only how much it can be word. The rest are captured in mind and heart. The rest where, days outs chilling and just hanging around, not forgetting at least we got started to do alittle PP, PDL with my parents. Dinner at Miss Clarity Cafe, before that was chilling at her place where she made a much better crepes for me, nice. Hugs you for it. Nebo for dinner and childhood games thereafter, headed to Cityhall for doughnuts, awesome photos taken for her then to the club with friends and baby at MOS, supper and good talk times till the sun rises and home to sleep only at 9am. Dinner at NYP after SSDC for baby, found it quite a decent nice time sitting cosy by the concer of Macs in the Poly and a walk all the way back to her place. Caught up with Gab our usual catch up, good stuff as always, but I hope we wont drift further as I feel we need more of our cranky self. Watched movies over lappy, her place and my home, Hitman, Kufu Panda and Eastern Pormises all were pretty good, nice. Chilled with big man come Sat had a relatively good catch up, walked from Lido to Cathay, we are gonna hang in there man, peace out big guy Daryl, remember our cheers at Starbucks. Thanks to all who made effort to catch up. I guess the Holidays werent too bad, good chills and catch ups and time for almost everyone. Thanks, my love for being there, times and also much of your effort and late night chats, the rest is for us to recall and talk about in our hearts. Smiles.
Finally, Sunday, the draggy feeling school can really bring, sighs but also trying to look at it on a brighter side. Happy Father's Day, went to Family international buffet for High tea, after church in the morning and a short bite at Mac Cafe, Shaw House.
Hello the rest of Semester One, Year 2.

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Angel's halo - Devil's wings.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"Sometimes we seem to see hate more than love as we have that haunting confusion between both."

About Me
- Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
- Singapore, Serangoon Gardens.
- I wouldnt say I'm that much of a simple guy who lives down the street with little motives running through his head, cause that wouldnt be me neither would it be that simple. Like most and all others, a man who transits between his faith, hopes and downs back to reality where either or neither both be found. If I was to state me as simple, then it places my aims to the test. Defying the oughts of nothing but the simple truth, sad and drown, torn yet driven to find out why and the reason he was brought here in aid to comprehend his fingerprints and the complex map as if a form of hardcore tattoo arcoss his palm printed; he urges his story to unfold, crushes the young chapters but alike an innocent kid, places it under his pillow. What will you do if you came back to life and held the object and subject who killed you? To meet and yet be part of the director of this enticing thriller yet dramatic plot of my life.