I have been wanting to blog out so much that I have missed out or forgotten to blog what I have intended to.
Otk Fest - Big thanks to my love who has been the one beside me through it all even if I had friends there, the security is with her and I hope it is the same for her. I had made a stone out reaction at one point of the night. Giving it a miss towards how she would react to a guest having a little too much alcohol running in his blood stream. I just knew she was stronger and to me she is still and will ever be strong. My reactions or my not reacting might not have spoken well of me but I remain the shield for what I can withstand. Not only a big thanks to her for that, it is for her generousity for calling her friends, close ones or not so close or not at all close ones too, including my friends. I expect no appreciation given to her much but baby, you should know you are the best in helping Swiss Club while you are not even paid.
Apart from it, I feel the feelings of hate and glances of unhappy faces. It is expected in the world of earning money and in an event like this, silly politics still managers to arrive. To get it off the still-calm chest, I feel that there is no right for trash talk nor pissed of waiters for not having the opportunity to do bartendering. Even if it is because you did it a year before does not mean you will secure it for the next. No business at all to me if you are that easily taken over. Anyways, blowing up an acute matter is not worth my while. To clear the air, Dalvin and Daryl were chosen as there's no size shirts for them and they pour beer just as good. Keegan was asked by the manager maybe because he was more outstanding than you. For me, I was picked out right from the start at least 2 to 3 weeks prior and I damn right worked for it. Side note to how I feel, no offence taken or given. Any President this year might not be one in the next unless he has the competency to avail.
Money - Sensitive issue. By right it is not everything but in other words it is. Irony you call it but the truth that sustains it this way. I would personally like to indulge in the thought that it is not eveything. Yes it isnt, it can't buy back the past, neither the dead nor the memories and a whole load of priceless sentiment. On the other hand, I believe it can buy happiest maybe not true ones but it still has the ability to. People work, steal, die, rob, dream and whatever more just to have it and return it back to the world when spent. Sadly to me it is what we need, it is everything that seems to make this world a "better" place. Cause if we had it all wouldnt it be luxurious with nothing much at all to worry about? Still I cant or do not want to accept the fact it's everything - it is just not. Have we totally lost our minds maybe even being bought over by it while we are at it working towards it? Where's our dignity and pride when we meet it face to face? Does the actions and feelings of Love cost so little even if it is in terms of billions, we strike the good to become the bad with it. We now buy people's actions and we buy the smiles on your faces, what happened to unconditional love, for it we lose trust and we still have the guts to proclaim "trust no one." Enough said for now. But if I can change a few minds on this I am delighted enough.
I may be of no position or status to prove or exert but, "The only proverty I see in all of us even if you are a multi millionaire is your bad langauage of Money talk."
A late Saint said for my country, Singapore - "The Proverty of Singapore is that there is no Proverty." There is no feelings I can feel to have the same thought of a Saint.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
5000kg of
Dafted and reflected by -
Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
9/30/2008 11:53:00 PM

The piano stops playin
I reckon it is again my turn to feel and reflect on what I have been up to. Nothing bascially and nothing could be the reason I can feel so useless at times. I can see the good that I have done yet I can see that I have chose to lay back not to do more. It has nothing to do with fate, it has nothing to do with destiny and I think we should all cut that crap. We have got free will and the will is dictated by the limitations we have and dont, that's it. We do so much to feel good, to feel that we are worth it, to feel beautiful and it does not mean a thing if you are doing that in the expense of others. If I said you are stupid just to feel smart, if I was taller and stood to a person shorter just to make him feel shorter or say I should have been up there not him, who's he? He doesnt even look good then my friend, my unfortunate self denying human begin, you are simply all wrong. There's a mirror made to reflect, reflect our true self hidden. There's nothing for you to try and hide. But it comes right back at you and all the time crusing, the time complaining and gossiping has ended.
We are taken by others so easliy that it pains to me to be one of them. Knowing for the fact we need to meet our individual self but we are just scared, afraid of that ugly creature, unpleasant character and stinky smell of envy and hate. Enveloped in fear and drenched in tears, we fear so much. So we need it, need it to get away, further but it traces back. Strong yet too weak, hard but yet so brittle. Healthy but yet an acute infection can kill. - Superman does not have to die, he was never alive.
So many things to live for yet so little time, dont get me wrong I think I am still young but I dont feel like growing up. Mandatory I understand. Nothing gets through to all of us and money is moster that tears and rips yet we are working to get it, waiting to recieve it to an extend to kill and forget for it, my what a friendly monster ever made. Sank into material, forgetful of Love, sweat to beat and bled to die.
Can I be strengthen within myself, for I only know who I am. No man is an island, we made that up.
We seek to be this island but it needs no man. Because if the world has no consquence the world will no longer be that round ball of blue, white and green but RED. Put aside and place no limits to control what you cannot.
One year, one year ago I gave up part of my silly escape. We are the failure of how we failed, begining with empty talk. Pity, just like you but not a pity, not like me.
Dafted and reflected by -
Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
9/30/2008 06:11:00 PM

We dont need wings to fly.
Let's play a game, look me in the eyes and tell me without spoken words, how much you know about me? Then tell me out loud what you truely know about me? Let me know if you know my heart beat. I didnt want you number just wanted you to com'er. Loser - just dont know you. Winner - leaves me alone and keeps one's judgement.
Price - Better virtues.

My Weds which are School-Free, well spent with love. We chilled, caught a movie and went for more painting. Hope she enjoyed much. Headed down to Novena one of those days, had a walk around and I found that it was a pretty cool place to chill back and feel alittle away from the buzzy crowd just a few stops away, town. Muffins there too are tempting. Had KFC and walked around. Cutton On Craze somehow is on for my love, she got me a cardigan there and she got a couple of buys too. Once, we left our painting there only to realize it back at Amk station, we had to head back as soon as that meant a lot, the time adding colours and sitting there side by side giving time for it to turn out colourful and nice, it has my name on it too. Thus, I went rushing down except in the train which I had no control of but once out, I ran out (been awhile running) and yes I got it back thanks to kind sales fella.
Caught Mamamia last Wed after a morning/afternoon stay over @ baby's. It's a great show, how the muscial best fit the plot, it was good'ol kinda movie with a pretty stroyline attached to it. The soundtracks though old school music, it was addictive. Baby headed over to my place last Sat, we loaded lyrics and youtube and started singing together! It is so diff to get her to sing and she used to be in school chior! It was cosy and it was pleasantly sweet to hear her sing out, now I dig that movie twice as hard. Ha.
Before all of that on Sat, she accompanied me to SSDC, thanks baby for you constant support always waking up early to be there for me. Yes. On for Lunch at City hall's NYNY, her lovely treat. Yum yum. My nose was a little runny but it did not really stop me from hanging out with her. My intention was to bring her to have alittle sight of F1 and to get a little sound check to how loud it can be. Only able to hear the blast of engines from the formula one cars and we headed to Gardens, finally Aston's for her have been telling her about it but most of the time we caught it close, though I feel there's a drop on standards it's good enough for occasional visits. Back to my place for Vantage point, was really sleepy but I caught most of the show, liked how they broke the situation down and brought it back to give a pretty alright ending to it. Finally, before Baby made her way back before it got later, she pat Duchess this two girlfriends of mine made friends. Phew. Haha. Love you baby we are still so so so young in this route of relationship but you are just impossible to .... go figure. Smile.
Dafted and reflected by -
Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
9/30/2008 12:46:00 AM

Night or day we'll still wait.

It was a race pretty filled up with good drama, Massa had his fuel pump line still injected into his tank which cost him 1st to practically last with a easy chuckle by the rest of his opponents, I am guessing and a few Crashes. I thought the race will be just a simple chase race, but with all the safety car in lap, demerit/penalty points, pit stop seconds and such. Wow it was assuming and exciting. Lastly, to actually know I was sitting so near to that tight turn was great stuff, it always catches the drivers to make a little mistake or over shooting into the land or to make strategic driving of stepping on trottle or brakes to pull through.
Singapore Singapore Singapore, awesome event making this Red Dot shine even more. Imagine Play station and Xbox F1 games having Singapore Circuit to unlock and such. Hey there is Esplande and Marina bay in the game, totally rocks, Proud citizen all of a sudden, dont mind.
Dafted and reflected by -
Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
9/30/2008 12:45:00 AM

Inverting equation.
The world will never know the true me, with my crooked way for finding peace, because sometimes to get across to you leaves me contradicting.
Because you mean more than I can express myself to you with limitations I will overcome.
And will you ever know? I guess I will leave myself to allow me to.

Pippy: Hey baby, I'm here. By the way I caught you looking at so many other girls esp the beer girls and cacausians! Argh, punch you. Anyway I got to look at everyone because I need to collect coupons. Hugs you. Only you in my eyes >_< ( There she comes into my blog and try to defend herself, nonsense she like some guy from SP. Help!) Haha.

Dafted and reflected by -
Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
9/30/2008 12:40:00 AM

Monday, September 29, 2008

Family was a little celebration lighting latents at home. My mum and sis checked out what was going on at the Chartwell Park but to their disappointment it was nothing exciting. But we still litted up all the latents we had, which was about four to six of them. Baby came to join after her swim, accompanied her for dinner at Chomps and decided on walking Duchess, goodness baby is really very scared of her. Was a tough time not holding baby for awhile, kinda like so near but yet so far but it was my first walk with both baby and duchess, will be more after she gets use to it, yeah. Macs for ice cream, chat up with my mum and sis who came back after their snacks at the market. Thanks dad for sending baby back thereafter.

With baby, it was on a Sat to Marine Parade first time there walking around with her. Recalled some of my secondary memories to her, crazy times I skipped lessons just to head over there for Burger King's Breakfast and such. To East Coast for some latents and candle play.

Not forgetting a little blowing of bubbles, the bottle which I got for her birthday. It was fun and the wind was strong enough to blow some of us. Created a whole group of bubble floating in the air, pretty amazing with this simple little creation from soap.

Have never done this painting when I was a kid and so it was my first with baby love. It was an kidish experience which was obviously great the feeling of a kid is really just free and easy trust me wanting to grow up to me isnt a thrill already, crap to N16 or M18 or wanting to drive, I would rather have no worries, driven and watching rated G cartoons for years more. For the first time, baby and I did a decent job at it, good stuff. Hope she didnt find the idea of bring her there too mad but I guess we did enjoy and have a good time just doing things which reminds us of childhood.
Dafted and reflected by -
Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
9/29/2008 10:36:00 PM

Position the stars.
Big thanks to my love who has been there for me, always wanting that little more time with me even if we had almost the whole day together. Always being better and nice. Heh. Don't stop, I tell you. Kisses.
Yes, our 10th. Dropped by her place the night before for a little love note with movie tickets in them. Went by but didnt plan to say hi in order not to kinda spoil the surprise, I left it at her room's window.
The effort and thought/s are truely apperciated. My feet already loves those meaningful socks.
A few Mondays back, Baby and I celebrated Angeline's bday during our lunch break in school. Baby decided to ask her out for lunch and treated her to Lunch. Surprised her alittle with a small apple crumble slice and a bday song just sang by love and I. Happy birthday A.

Dafted and reflected by -
Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
9/29/2008 10:29:00 AM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Little child.
Love drew this pretty piece for me with special and nice words on it. Artistic love expressed.

Year Two semester Two has offically started. A brand new class with a new bunch of classmates well some I know through the times in school but overall new faces. New set of facilitators, two new modules and two other modules which are follow ups from the previous modules. No elective, which means my Weds are free. My results were released a few days before school reopened, well nothing much to jump up for joy neither nothing to feel sad or depressed about. I felt it was relatively alright, passed all my modules, it was all engineering modules and just one non and I guess I made it through aokay.
Work is still on, minor changes to the work schedule but it may be for the better for both baby and I to deal with school proper and not to tire ourselves out as working daily is one energy draining process. The last few days was chilling out with baby, Arnold's, Town @ Macs and others. We got Ez link card stickers which was some thrill to us, choosing away and such and since my mum and sis saw it a few days ago they do not mind having one too. The Sundays are family days, chilled around. One of the Sundays was to Arnold's again and the other was to AMK and Town.
Moving on with the days, 4th Sept it was the 1st day in class well it was a class come lab for this module which was going to be in the lab for all 16 lessons. First impressions made, Dalvin my secondary and one of the closer friends is in the same class. A few of my last semester classmates too. It was over all alright well still new and I will work on to do better and mix well with the surroundings. Both nights Thurs and Fri was on with my love to work. Fri was different, since the phones lines were dead, we were made to do a little data entry which was pretty simple and we help one another reading and typing the details out. An hour into work, the phone lines didnt come back to life, thus we ended work early and it was some time out with baby, just great. Just a few days and I miss having some closer times with her. We didnt get our pay as our manager was too caught up with having dinner with the boss. So we will have to wait till next week to get it, I assume. Decided for Bugis Junction, did some window shopping yet I got love a nice notebook for her notes and all for the new school term. Dinner was good, food junction there is revamped up.
Sat 7th, came quick and it was work, this time survey which is also part of the deal for a MC's job. SMU was the location. Ended work earlier as the turn out was not totoally good and we wanted time for ourselves too. We decided for a movie, Bangkok Dangerous which was alright it wasnt all that kinda thing, compared to Death Race which baby and I caught before a few days before Death Race wins it with more thrill and action. Sunday, out with family had lunch in Gardens and headed out to the airport only to be shocked at the carpark fee, it was stated as 3.57/min with the cents symbol behind it, to me if they would want to state it in the units of cents it should be 0.36 cents isnt it? But it being stated like that it would be if we had left the car there for just 10 min it will be $36? So we headed for some car ride thereafter, it was memory lane down to St Pats - Marine Parade area. Memories kept appearing, kept playing in my head, reflecting how young the time was back then, had my confirmation camp in the hostile in my school, it too recalled church times as well, wow. Took a deep breath and told myself, we all grow up and it is only the footprints we leave and the memories we all keep close.

Dafted and reflected by -
Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
9/10/2008 07:17:00 PM

Fake noise.

Sat 30th Aug. Was a date out with baby. It was a pretty long day as we had work earlier in the day. It was a good thing to look forward to. It was Gv's 1st anniversary and it was celebrated with the public for an outdoor screening of 2 new movies not yet released then. Make it happen and My sassy girl the american version. I believe, baby and I prefer the latter it had stronger meaning to it compared to the first movie which was a normal dance movie with a cliche plot, for me I think the lead actress cant really dance. Overall the night was pleasant with baby by my side throughout, just chilling on our mats and popcorns and snacks and a whole lot of people who came along as company. Thanks love it was a surprise to me no worries about that. Smiles at you, you! Heh.
Dafted and reflected by -
Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
9/10/2008 05:31:00 PM

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"Sometimes we seem to see hate more than love as we have that haunting confusion between both."
The leader in obivious ways but he is scared and humbled away when the truth arise one day. He fed the rich and abandon the poor, he taught the blind to walk and he helped the lame to see. Nothing more than it seems, as how contradicing life can be. To seek that path still in search to be enlighten by our very ownself and to forget knowing the rest.

About Me
- Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
- Singapore, Serangoon Gardens.
- I wouldnt say I'm that much of a simple guy who lives down the street with little motives running through his head, cause that wouldnt be me neither would it be that simple. Like most and all others, a man who transits between his faith, hopes and downs back to reality where either or neither both be found. If I was to state me as simple, then it places my aims to the test. Defying the oughts of nothing but the simple truth, sad and drown, torn yet driven to find out why and the reason he was brought here in aid to comprehend his fingerprints and the complex map as if a form of hardcore tattoo arcoss his palm printed; he urges his story to unfold, crushes the young chapters but alike an innocent kid, places it under his pillow. What will you do if you came back to life and held the object and subject who killed you? To meet and yet be part of the director of this enticing thriller yet dramatic plot of my life.