I could only thank my family enough for their support through my runs and yes, I did a better timing. 50 + min from 1hr 5 min +. 10km.
Extra thanks for the endless support from my mum, in funding the runs, caring for me during my training days and always having my back in my interest. My dad for the endless efforts in getting up early to see me off, give a lift to my friend, Kees and preparing good meals and getting isotonic drinks! Much love, parents!
Another shout out to Kees for participating with me, those training days were nice, I believe the experiences were something new and good for you too.
Thanks to Sin Yee for your concern and support for my health and safety during my training days and for the runs.
For Gab and Daryl, big hand shakes for believing in me and the encouragements to keep me going!
Appreciate them.

Run For Hope 2009.
In hope for cancer to finally have a cure.

10km finisher.

A treat to the sole.

New Balance, Real Run 2009 ( X terrain )
Mud, sand, gravel and taxiway pavements, awesome.