As I returned from a relatively good and well spent trip from perth, it is now time to give a little meaning to my last post stating updates on my Poly class an
d updates from Perth.
Class of W14P 2007, first semester. First year, first class and that should speak a bunch already.
First impressions grew to change, some maintain it pretty darn well. From eeky feelings to comfort zones between the four walls and scrolled down blinds daily. Bonds clicked and tighten be it only during school period, I reckon it was good enough and times should be appreciated. Jokes which cracked smiles from gloomy faces all through the day. No better than a rather well behaved and matured class, where we made constructive discussions when time due, bullies, shouts, games to movies and the ever so nice lunch and meals together. Where we would look out to our surroundings and say "Damn I cant imagine being in another class, look we are so well bonded and matured." Facilitators too, overall we couldnt ask for more, understanding most of the time and taking in our ever so many cheeky stuff we say or do during meetings up to presentations. Enough said, as there is no more than words to word this class and its beings contained in it. Which causes this impact of misses for each other even if it is just being that passer by people - acquaintances - these people made the best of the first semester, well lived!
Azura - The jumpy, horny little female chap. From the candy push pops, chocolates and sweet which then led to the never done diet. The accompany down to get her ice cream, BnJs we shared and the many many times together poking fun at others and of course at each other. Pretty well to work with, as we two always end up doing the most with me doing more so you can tell and that says it all. Her skirt and my Trunks - inside jokes; Oops, but thanks for all the times girl, for keeping me insane and sane - vice versa.
Ben - The late tall one. Good to have jokes and chats with, mature in rare times, his ipod has been of good use to transfer flies, we pirates reign.
Chun How - Funny bad boy forever, crazy porn craze and damn well good at giving Facis' headaches but good number of laught too. Nice to know, we shared some chats as well.
Clement - You got us started with rage for plagiarism, but on the whole he maintain well and did a good part of work come last few weeks and maintain his composure.
Darryl - Strong man, good to joke and talk with. Share much in common - sporting interest and power pack power point combination with him and I. Partner in looking out for hot sizzelingly girls while discriminating the others, including guys. Break out buddy, he eats the most I come in second, not too bad already no heavy dieting for me than him. Cheers there.
Eugene - Conclusion man No.2 rusher for powerpoints kind of alike me but faster in copy and paste. Vivid story teller, always amusing poeple with his reactions and complain of bad aunties or bad food. Funny and entertaining chap however, can get really crappy and off track once in awhile. But good to have known and we Saint Pats will always greet with handshakes!
Felicia - Rude in just walking out of class, fun and crazy never place Azura and me with her. She alone with Azura is a negative bomb combination. The best slacker who tops the notch of all I believe. Back about time at every breakout so what does she get to do for slides, we ponder. But good to know fun and good sport, we fight with difficult questions thrown at each other. I win!
Gao Qi - China guy, dont do much. Hip hopping next to Azura, good at the breaks and free styles, I hear. Funny at times, good at games just as good as when playing during working periods. Well I shall pass the colgate thing I guess, get it yourself dude. High fives though.
Hafiz - First team mate alongside, Azu, Jess and Kenny. Big man, joker and real animated fella in class and while presenting, quite a admirable speaker there. Dargon boat all the way.
Jason - Nice guy with his new girlfriend, pretty nice to work with. Fast to anger when dealt with English. Speaks to me in chinese at least being sensetive that I would actually understand and place his points down in our team's slides. Porn partner with Chun How.
Jessica - The bullied. The funny mad little girl in class with timid voice and actions. Recently and shockingly well at math and computing. Works well only with worksheets. Good times then there and the disturbs we never fail to exchange. Smacks.
Joanna - Funny, Horny girl - surprising but hey we all know. Good to talk to, nice conversations be it mad or serious. Claps for all the times and more to come. Pretty good at getting and adding much information in slides and she improved much there girl.
Kenny - Small little one, youngest and yet smallest. The bullied. Good in entertaining others in the expense of his ownself, good sport. Matured side is darn well, amusingly good in working and presenting. Yes I got a soft toy Kangaroo for you little fella.
Lulu - They call you old, they call you pretty and they say there's white hair. First and third - true. Someone with style and dertermination with English. China girl who mixed with the locals in class. Walk back train station buddy who dirty talks me alongside others. Researcher and good at shouting back at questions.
Mei Qin - Mei Mei, Miss blur, Mario Virus girl and Baby to me for some msn reason. Act cute and adorable girl. But really funny, good worker, cheers to our times and the start of distrubing me for my pants and what not, joining in the others - not being
on my side. Smacks too, to her but yeah high fives to the times and more. - "The four." Oh and pls dress better for interviews, Mei.
Nana - China girl who has yet to get her 1.86m boyfriend to approach me for some jealousy. Funny one who she and the other girls will poke fun at me with chinese as if I did not understand at least part of it. In English girl. Misses me alittle bit bit she always say. Keep smily.
Nisa - Act good girl, girl, easy to get stress, faster than I do, so that you can leave it to your imagination. Well to work with. Dont stress.
Ozk - A litte pyhco, but good to just chat with and the times we worked well together and getting away with playing games during 6th presentations and still getting our way through and the smiles from Facis'. Change his damn specs he then will at least look a little better, and please let your lady freind buy her own food or waffle herself boy.
Seng Weng - I help him cut down in his coffin nails. Chinese song fella which irritates after awhile. Hair style freak. Lunch buddy and some jokes and wireless power Darryl, he and I share back then.
Shy - Crazy, random and funky chick. Punk metal death ear girl. Shares much of girls' interest in chest improvements which I ought to be the one noticing and checking one by one. Winks!
Sin Yee - Well composed till the last few weeks, what a good pretender - you win. Partner in crime at times, my waffle and lady drinks' buyer. Worthwhile nudges life or msn. We enjoy and the exhange in words good and most of the time poking fun at each other was madness and unforgettable. Smiles.

Class of W14P 2007, first semester. First year, first class and that should speak a bunch already.
First impressions grew to change, some maintain it pretty darn well. From eeky feelings to comfort zones between the four walls and scrolled down blinds daily. Bonds clicked and tighten be it only during school period, I reckon it was good enough and times should be appreciated. Jokes which cracked smiles from gloomy faces all through the day. No better than a rather well behaved and matured class, where we made constructive discussions when time due, bullies, shouts, games to movies and the ever so nice lunch and meals together. Where we would look out to our surroundings and say "Damn I cant imagine being in another class, look we are so well bonded and matured." Facilitators too, overall we couldnt ask for more, understanding most of the time and taking in our ever so many cheeky stuff we say or do during meetings up to presentations. Enough said, as there is no more than words to word this class and its beings contained in it. Which causes this impact of misses for each other even if it is just being that passer by people - acquaintances - these people made the best of the first semester, well lived!
Azura - The jumpy, horny little female chap. From the candy push pops, chocolates and sweet which then led to the never done diet. The accompany down to get her ice cream, BnJs we shared and the many many times together poking fun at others and of course at each other. Pretty well to work with, as we two always end up doing the most with me doing more so you can tell and that says it all. Her skirt and my Trunks - inside jokes; Oops, but thanks for all the times girl, for keeping me insane and sane - vice versa.
Ben - The late tall one. Good to have jokes and chats with, mature in rare times, his ipod has been of good use to transfer flies, we pirates reign.
Chun How - Funny bad boy forever, crazy porn craze and damn well good at giving Facis' headaches but good number of laught too. Nice to know, we shared some chats as well.
Clement - You got us started with rage for plagiarism, but on the whole he maintain well and did a good part of work come last few weeks and maintain his composure.
Darryl - Strong man, good to joke and talk with. Share much in common - sporting interest and power pack power point combination with him and I. Partner in looking out for hot sizzelingly girls while discriminating the others, including guys. Break out buddy, he eats the most I come in second, not too bad already no heavy dieting for me than him. Cheers there.
Eugene - Conclusion man No.2 rusher for powerpoints kind of alike me but faster in copy and paste. Vivid story teller, always amusing poeple with his reactions and complain of bad aunties or bad food. Funny and entertaining chap however, can get really crappy and off track once in awhile. But good to have known and we Saint Pats will always greet with handshakes!
Felicia - Rude in just walking out of class, fun and crazy never place Azura and me with her. She alone with Azura is a negative bomb combination. The best slacker who tops the notch of all I believe. Back about time at every breakout so what does she get to do for slides, we ponder. But good to know fun and good sport, we fight with difficult questions thrown at each other. I win!
Gao Qi - China guy, dont do much. Hip hopping next to Azura, good at the breaks and free styles, I hear. Funny at times, good at games just as good as when playing during working periods. Well I shall pass the colgate thing I guess, get it yourself dude. High fives though.
Hafiz - First team mate alongside, Azu, Jess and Kenny. Big man, joker and real animated fella in class and while presenting, quite a admirable speaker there. Dargon boat all the way.
Jason - Nice guy with his new girlfriend, pretty nice to work with. Fast to anger when dealt with English. Speaks to me in chinese at least being sensetive that I would actually understand and place his points down in our team's slides. Porn partner with Chun How.
Jessica - The bullied. The funny mad little girl in class with timid voice and actions. Recently and shockingly well at math and computing. Works well only with worksheets. Good times then there and the disturbs we never fail to exchange. Smacks.
Joanna - Funny, Horny girl - surprising but hey we all know. Good to talk to, nice conversations be it mad or serious. Claps for all the times and more to come. Pretty good at getting and adding much information in slides and she improved much there girl.
Kenny - Small little one, youngest and yet smallest. The bullied. Good in entertaining others in the expense of his ownself, good sport. Matured side is darn well, amusingly good in working and presenting. Yes I got a soft toy Kangaroo for you little fella.
Lulu - They call you old, they call you pretty and they say there's white hair. First and third - true. Someone with style and dertermination with English. China girl who mixed with the locals in class. Walk back train station buddy who dirty talks me alongside others. Researcher and good at shouting back at questions.
Mei Qin - Mei Mei, Miss blur, Mario Virus girl and Baby to me for some msn reason. Act cute and adorable girl. But really funny, good worker, cheers to our times and the start of distrubing me for my pants and what not, joining in the others - not being

Nana - China girl who has yet to get her 1.86m boyfriend to approach me for some jealousy. Funny one who she and the other girls will poke fun at me with chinese as if I did not understand at least part of it. In English girl. Misses me alittle bit bit she always say. Keep smily.
Nisa - Act good girl, girl, easy to get stress, faster than I do, so that you can leave it to your imagination. Well to work with. Dont stress.
Ozk - A litte pyhco, but good to just chat with and the times we worked well together and getting away with playing games during 6th presentations and still getting our way through and the smiles from Facis'. Change his damn specs he then will at least look a little better, and please let your lady freind buy her own food or waffle herself boy.
Seng Weng - I help him cut down in his coffin nails. Chinese song fella which irritates after awhile. Hair style freak. Lunch buddy and some jokes and wireless power Darryl, he and I share back then.
Shy - Crazy, random and funky chick. Punk metal death ear girl. Shares much of girls' interest in chest improvements which I ought to be the one noticing and checking one by one. Winks!
Sin Yee - Well composed till the last few weeks, what a good pretender - you win. Partner in crime at times, my waffle and lady drinks' buyer. Worthwhile nudges life or msn. We enjoy and the exhange in words good and most of the time poking fun at each other was madness and unforgettable. Smiles.
Siti - The days that you came, was darn uncountable, but the days you did come made already some little hi byes and even one or two hang outs. Wells it's a pity that it only last that few days. Alright cool rough girl but yeah, pretty easy to work with with funny yet great ideas given.
Yann - Quiet from the start and explodes in the middle of first sem. Hair cut all of the sudden from some hair/head infection which made my side burns the longest then. Partner in break out time alerts to the class but most of all to the facilitators. Shouts loud arcoss the class and at times get others sabotage by his witty words "Justin wanted to know what time is it!" Faci's reply, " Ok class you may go now." And from me quickly, " OK YANN you can go now, faster!" I guess no one can replace the exact same funny times like those. Lek one corner my mat brudder, cheers and stay joker and please with a guitar.
That's one hell of a class.
'Booked rooms for some; left empty overtime, passed by but impact in memories that we stress yet to forget if we would want it till the time approaches. For now swallow, either delighted or unhappy with em'.'
That's one hell of a class.
'Booked rooms for some; left empty overtime, passed by but impact in memories that we stress yet to forget if we would want it till the time approaches. For now swallow, either delighted or unhappy with em'.'
:] thank you for that post on w14p.
appreciated :D
you forgot sufiyan ..
I remember Sufiyan I mean who could ever forget?
Sure, for the post on W14P. Impact so should be up on my post in my blog. Claps and cheers.
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