Like little innocent kids who werent aware of the coldness of the world, such a blissful ignorance till thee encounter envelopes them with fear, sin and pain. Some say we ought to live that way, keep saying that the way you live is not ok. Always trying to be someone else but not yourself, forcing yourself into some else's shoes. It's some overblown scheme, setting our minds to expensive things.

My time for blogging is back for a bit. Days and weeks had been rushing by, nothing much but the routine life of presentations and right now, UTs which was fairly difficult and more so did my first one this semester on paper, as my password sort to expire on such a day. The rest of the time were meet ups with a growing slim number of friends, talks and one or two chill outs. Some module problems are getting more difficult yet more interesting I would say. The last few happenings were chill outs over at vivo with a shocking thing to do, such as to study before that. The afternoon when fine with much wishpers to our ringing hand phones then a decision to vivo where we met two working friends and a good little painful tickle as we exhange words and occasional smacks with grass messing around. Last Sunday was finally church, a rather vague memory of real chats and catch ups but was delighted enough to finally meet my fella buddy and a couple more. Lunch with family back at vivo and a night spent with my lap top. Some outdated photos which I failed to find time to upload them, above.
The leader in obivious ways but he is scared and humbled away when the truth arise one day. He fed the rich and abandon the poor, he taught the blind to walk and he helped the lame to see. Nothing more than it seems, as how contradicing life can be. To seek that path still in search to be enlighten by our very ownself and to forget knowing the rest.
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