Flying by the week went. Time spent, pretty smiles given and recieved lighten moments. School daily with grades I should feel proud yet humble about. End of Ut Two meant the start of Ut Three. Chills with baby her and along the week with my boys. Chills to Sherms, pretty long while since we caught up and yes the same old funny times was most needed with the company of Dal and food to surround. Friday was for her, enjoyable and funny. The time, was worth being next to each other, even just the presence of each other in the midst of slience, is Golden. Fish and Chips, Fried mars bars and Sundae was fulfilled. Sat, was a recovery day from the usual late nights and work time in the past week of school till the night. The day was lazy with the use of my laptop and some time with my mum and home. Baby made her way down after her time in town. Time was cruely fast but despite that, the walk, little chats and yes the web was sweaty stuff, no changes - Enjoy. The after midnight hours was left for supper with Gab till three. Incredible chats along the same frequency where he feels me, I feel him, good chats and never failing maturity; more on that soon. I got his back and away with negative vibes we must proceed.
Sunday, was considerably a recovery sunny day too. Woke unusally early before 12 or so, with the thoughts of her at work. Music in the depths of the bed was the location I sunk my thoughts and voice in. Fast forward, late lunch and the accompany of my mum for evening mass, good time where I'd say it had been awhile and the sense of church brought deep memories and peace that I seek. Dinner back home with the knowledge that she's able to meet ended my week in a rather good way with the company and the look through of various pictures, byes to the comb, frog and ants goodnight. The conversation which took place after, the value of what each feel and the maturity in thoughts and the faith and hope we must build, giving each other our word must endure.
The 10th week of school begins.
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