Slides by the 2nd week of March. I've finally got to keep myself a little occupied as I had to work 3 extra hrs for 3 days last week. All in all including travel time I'm probably out for at least 9 hrs, that's pretty good considering the slack I have been at home, pretty much doing nothing, not even to update my blog daily or every other day kinda thing.
Work has been alright, glad to be doing something different in a day and back to making those calls, trying to learn how to use better phrases by myself to get better response. It did work but into getting real appointments made, still lay in the economic situation the World's in. The office will be shifting nearer, more convenient to travel in line if I do work after school as well but till I get to see the new office, I am not sure when. I am currently off this week as they will be busy settling in setting the phone lines, tables and such.
Due to work in the afternoons and evenings, my meet up with baby wasnt really possible, as she is already tired out before I could start on my second shift in the night. But I guess we had a good meet up with my friends and I last Friday and Sat. Mixing around and learning more on a thing or 2.
Sunday, I attended mass and headed for session as well. Session activity was to write down our Lentern resolutions or anything oneself might wanna do during the season of Lent and then share it as a community. The number of turn out was pretty good I would dare say. I felt I did a pretty good reflection in the midst of others chit chattering. I actually draw a mind map which depic the '10 rules/disciplines' whatever I wanted to name it and shared it with YV.
For example, I shared that I should not hesitate to help. An example I gave, - it's sometimes a little fustrating to help and not get what you expect, I am not saying things such as 'thank yous' and 'oh sure a brillant boy, your parents taught you well.' sort of thing many of us would want to hear. Its the unexpected anger or moodiness you get from helping them, in other word ungrateful. Such when you might wanna help an elderly cross the road, carrying a load you think is too heavy for them to be carrying without aid. But then again, if you actually help, a possible response might be, ' Aye boy/girl, you think I old ar? I dont need your help... and mumbles behind your back.' Now that will not only hurt or anger, for some it might have an effect whereby that one person might not lend a hand ever again, if this passes on, we will all be living alone as lonly as it already feels in this cold world.
Just yesterday, my girlfriend had an expreience with a similiar situation herself. Halfway rushing to catch an earlier train to work, an old man stopped her for directions one too many times and gave the look as if he wanted her to walk him to his desired location he was searching for. Unfortunatly, she couldn't given the time limitations. Before she could get to walk a few steps away, he then asked her for money showing her in his hands he had less than 2 dollars worth of coins, asking for more because he wanted to eat. My baby refused and quicky tried to make up for lost time in her rush. Before she got off sight of the old man, he scolded her in muffled words.
Imagine, trying your best to give good directions, having to give up a little more time which mean to pick up extra speed later to help and scolding is all you get in return. It can affect feelings and the thought can remain in one's mind for awhile, bringing back anger and such. In addition to the incident, he mentioned that the house/location he was looking for was his daughter's who's going overseas soon. Sometimes, we can't help to think, if it's his daughter's house, how could he have gotten lost? Or if she's capable to have a house of her own and head overseas, why was he in need of money? This will all lead to other thoughts which then we can easily be accused of thinking bad about others, gossiping
and having no respect and whatever else.
The morale of the story should be clear and simple, if one wants to help without hesitation, one should bare the unexpected and no matter what, having in mind the thought of helping in that help is all too good enough and to not let such an incident lead one not to help again or spoilt one's day. I shared another 9 thereafter, in which I reflected and thought to myself I should have made my sharing more clear than how clear I thought it was but I guess if I could get through to at least a few of my YV members, I should be delighted enough.
"People, created our own fear, live in denial, cause our own lost, found power to destroy, found crimes to create guilt, cheat to betray, hate and jeaslousy to start war, wait till it's too late, look down to feel better, saw and hear less to not know more, isolate to not face truth, fit in to cover up, found reasons to lie, found tears that wasnt cry, found laughter in expense, party to find loniess, let loose to endanger and love to be loved back the way it shouldnt really be."
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
He should not indulge in sin.
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"Sometimes we seem to see hate more than love as we have that haunting confusion between both."
The leader in obivious ways but he is scared and humbled away when the truth arise one day. He fed the rich and abandon the poor, he taught the blind to walk and he helped the lame to see. Nothing more than it seems, as how contradicing life can be. To seek that path still in search to be enlighten by our very ownself and to forget knowing the rest.

About Me
- Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
- Singapore, Serangoon Gardens.
- I wouldnt say I'm that much of a simple guy who lives down the street with little motives running through his head, cause that wouldnt be me neither would it be that simple. Like most and all others, a man who transits between his faith, hopes and downs back to reality where either or neither both be found. If I was to state me as simple, then it places my aims to the test. Defying the oughts of nothing but the simple truth, sad and drown, torn yet driven to find out why and the reason he was brought here in aid to comprehend his fingerprints and the complex map as if a form of hardcore tattoo arcoss his palm printed; he urges his story to unfold, crushes the young chapters but alike an innocent kid, places it under his pillow. What will you do if you came back to life and held the object and subject who killed you? To meet and yet be part of the director of this enticing thriller yet dramatic plot of my life.
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