With all the events throughout my three weeks, I believe it was a holiday well spent, from Perth, to meet ups, and Oktoberfest to tip it to a higher notch. For now, in hope for a greater blast back at school. Great thoughts W14P. Warmest to W25G. A great deal of thoughts to relatively good times, I hope there is something more, much more to look forward to, as I do not think school for two months and three weeks with Reflection journals and presentations to do daily will be something of this extend. Till then.
Sunday, was to recover from all the late nights after work and supper the morning before as I reached back to my shelters close to five thereabouts.
Thus to Sat,

The afternoon greeted with me having to remember that I have got work later that evening. So impressions of the place made, overall a very happening event, with loads of energy with countless runs of beer. The three days and nights in summary was cool, the classic three, Sherman, Ben and I can top the notch of slacking for money. Not being too greedy or anything to that extend but I guess you could call it working smart. As when it came to work I really did it, with the fullest of my service which I got a couple of good comments from the ever so friendly Germans, even locals and others. Their smiles and thanks were all that I needed to keep my good service as I would aspect when I exchange roles as me being the customer to receive this kind of service. Full of laught and experience throughout. Met new friends and bummed into some, from Saint Pats and Mitch and Charmaine. Music was enjoyable despite the repeats of many Swiss and German tranditionals. Club beats to Salsa and even hip hop rocked the night, which enforced more broken tables and seats as the crowd went wild after a couple of drinks and Jaga shots. The level of energy and good dance and music vibes made each night eventful. What more, good company of ex classmates and friends, new and old. A special thanks to Sin Yee for this opportunity, without her I wouldnt have got this priceless expreience and the reason to be rich for a least the first two weeks of school reopening, thanks! The pics will do some more talking and the rest to my memories. The last night ended with going bananas down at the dance floor, dancing to the beat, chats and laught, lorry ride with 20 or more people with crappy yet funny jokes in it. Supper not far from Bt Batok and a loud happening cab ride back. Unforgettable in much of a way.
Wed, came along quick. This time to meet up with Gladys, more catch up, lunch and coffee once again. Interesting chats and much walk around town/Marina region. Funny moments and many laught we share, moreover with weird aunties and a lady who ate her cake at Gloria Jean's with her straw, what a distasteful sight. Ended off by a walk back to the station where I decided to carry on to meet Sherman for dinner and chill. As usual, good chats, a couple of good and serious ones this time sharing what we feel on cetain life related topics and how the time changes its surroundings which moved on too darn quick. A game of pool tipped off the end of the night. The sound of good music and the check into the use of my lappy after, brought the next day forward which will be work from late afternoon till late at the Swiss Club for the 'Oktoberfest' big event! Apart from the thoughts of why work than enjoy the rest of the holidays of what its left, it was something to actually look forward to and the ever so motivating cash to be earned and some meet up with a bunch of friends overcame that thoughts and feel.
Tues, came with me making a little more effort in getting up though I slept pretty late the morning before once again. With the postponed plan with Dalvin and a meet up with big man, Daryl. This time Dal, couldnt make it cause of his really late night home the night before. However, it didnt stop plans made since it was difficult to get days out to accomodate time free for meet ups, nowadays with so many things happening and to be kept busy with. Vivo was the venue. Bummed into Jamie and Paul. Late lunch, a walk around, played games in at Best Denki's Playstation and Xbox's showcase, and a good time hitting at the drums showcasing our profession in it, doing demos from Hip Hop, Vintage and even Techno on the technical drums. Big man's sure good at it. The day grew older with the sun about to set from the view at Vivo out to the Sea and Sentosa. Ended ourselves at the arcade somehow, childhood memories brought back, gamed it at "The Lost World," a shooting game followed by a soccer game. Either a movie or pool in mind back at town till we decided to meet up with Christopher Suso, for a game of pool down at Toa Payoh, with a good dinner came good 9ft table, cue balls and a helluva game played with many random crazy comments thrown at each other all the way. Back online and sleep ended the day for the new, Wed.

I come to blog after the last week of my transition holidays from Semter One to Semester Two. This week had been packed with a couple of things to do which made my holidays a litte more fulfilling.
Monday, plans differ as I just couldnt get up from the swallowing comforts of my bed. I was to head out with mad boy Dalvin for a little window shop and chill. AsI got to bed about 6am Monday morning itself, plans postponed. Thus, it was a day spent much at home, all the way which felt good to just sit back and be the host of my house myself. A late morning till the next day once again linked to the long sleep I had from the previous day.
Like coffee with milk, roads and miles, roots to tress, a die to gamble, Hot chocolate with marshmallows, love and hate, trust and betrayal, and my fist to your ego.
He's not the boss, the customers are.
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Uh, English ...?
Thanks... friend.
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