There has been kilos of thoughts, if that could be measured, that I'd have blogged down but some are better already left in my head. Or had been taken over by my laziness. Thinking can be a great priceless tool or instrument that one has in different special ways for an indivisual. But it can really be a bore or an irritant as times when the powerful mind plays you out which dictates your every move and action, takes away sleep and leave you blank for awhile.
Anyways, over the last weekend, the topic of the Sunday time's was about expectations of Singaporean ladies about men in situations such like paying for dates, opening doors, remembering anniversaries, dressing up for occasions and even carrying handbags. I was glad that this topic popped out after so much bragging about this to my baby and some of my boys. Saying that some guys put on that gangster act, trying to give that impression they cannot be touch because of some crappy unglam tattoo that they have on thier arms or back. But end up carrying a pinky, girly and ugly looking fake Gucci pouch or handbag thier girlfriend's have but/yet not carry. Not knowing that they are just being a joke and a place for humour in the streets at times.
What the newspaper reported, was that ladies expect thier men to do many things for them from paying to sending them back home. Amazingly and to a shock it came to my knowledge that some guys even do not mind doing those for our pretty counterparts. Though for me, I trust that I respect, stay faithful, love and care for my girl but it would not mean I would so those things. Some girls in the survey stated that it would be love and respect for their boyfriends to carry thier handbags.
I'm certain that lady got the wrong definition from the wrong dictionary or search engine whatsoever. I hope that those reading the papers of course my gender of the male population would realize that we should not live up too much to women's expections of this sort which is not human or even equal as they want it now or in future. Since women would want to be equal in all ways then lets all be equal - Would women ever serve the Nation or would men ever give birth? I am stating the extremes in attemp to show whoever is reading my blog, the magnitude of silly stereotyping things happening even in the 21st century.
Would'nt it be faster for a lady to get the car door for herself rather than her man get it if they were late to catch an important appointment? Wouldnt it be nice once in awhile when women take a little more resposibility in leading and lightening the load off men? Would a lady finally take more sense into doing what thier totally capable of doing as thier male counterparts can? I said before that my girl has to be the girlfriend who would stand up for both herself and I, to be strong enough to carry her own bag and do the things all human beings can up to their own abilities. Not to spoil the image of her man by having him in a clean cut suit with a nice handsome tie but a little hand bag up his shoulder. Or pay, which is totally just a feed off, being a cheap girl dependant on men. Step up to the game and play women in all ways, be the role that you have not be the role in the expense of hurting someone else. Some guys are really not worth it, Yes, but dont forget not all guys are what you think. What if it is that perverty guy who have something up in his mind, up to no good and you expect him to send you back home? Dont think you have everything in your hands because you are a lady because not everything is, same goes for the men.
Therefore, I wanna shout out to my baby, though the covers of our true self have not peel off totally. I want you to be true always. To keep those mature thoughts going and to be the lady for me to love and to do all you can. Cause I'm to do mine. Thanks for not letting me be that guy who will have to worry about paying, opening and carrying stuff for you. As my baby is totally capable of that, she's the girl. Of course, I will play my part to show you respect and love in all so many different ways. Way apart from crazy dreamland expectations. That's my girl. You have been amazing in your thoughts and actions. Remaining strong and in doing your part. Sure we'll have some faults but through it all you come out better and improved. So much to word in our status but whatever it is, you have been the girl of my liking who I'm growing to Love. I'll be your man. - Justin.

There she is, my baby girl. You dont have to dream so big just love with all you can and be like no other in thier wasteful thinking. Look up into the sky with the stars in it because you clearly know what they mean. Ask me for evaluation cause you will know how you score, share with me your thoughts cause I'll be more than your shoulder and ears. Live life expecting to be better of course because we will work things out ahead. Treasure all around, your love ones and me because you are in my "The One's I Treasure List." Fear and worry not about me as we discussed because you will have nothing to worry about. Place all needless negativity away and look at important ones in the face and overcome them because I'll be right around to face them with you. Throw all temptations aside and know what you want and need, because I'm trying and I know I want and need you. See only Us till the end because when I think and see Us till the end, I only see your smile and feel your heart with mine. Love no other because I won't stop Loving you.
The leader in obivious ways but he is scared and humbled away when the truth arise one day. He fed the rich and abandon the poor, he taught the blind to walk and he helped the lame to see. Nothing more than it seems, as how contradicing life can be. To seek that path still in search to be enlighten by our very ownself and to forget knowing the rest.
Yeah baby!
Would women ever serve the Nation or would men ever give birth?
Men would never give birth but as for women to serve the Nation maybe not in Spore but what about other country. You know right. Although a lot of them said that now is the 21st century and men and women must be treated equally but nothing much has changed. People are still being stereotype because of the gender.
You know i wouldn't let you carry my bag though. I'm strong enough to carry it myself anyway =) As for paying, yup we are still student and what can i expect from you or myself. We must be fair as we wasn't that rich for mi to pay for every meal or for you to pay for every meal. So ya we take turns to pay and share everything together.
I don't expect much from you and all i wanted is that u will be your true self too =) I learn a lot of things from you that get me thinking. Thanks for being there and i will do the same being there for you too. Being more understanding and the better of me for you. Really enjoy and love the time that I'm together with you.
To the one i love and treasure, My Baby =) misses.
You're damn sweet la fella, and that was so well written. Totally agree with what you wrote. Can you blog more please your posts are a pretty good read! ((:
Haha. Catch up soon, I've started hols tooo!
And women can serve the Nation lah! My mom, Jamie's mom.. hehheh.
Thank you baby, I'll note that down and I mean what I have posted. Lotsa thinking and feels to it. Winks. Haha.
Thanks lady. Well will wait for my feels to really give a good post. Real glad that you like it. Smiles.
Humm oops oh ya your mum! Sorry aunty I mean your mum not you you that kinda aunty. Haha, nah just pulling ya leg. Nice new blog skin you have to, why no links on yours no more? Haha.
have have! The comment link is at the bottom of each post. the one that says "LETS TALK!" or "1 talk!" or smthing. hahaha (:
"paying for dates, opening doors, remembering anniversaries, dressing up for occasions and even carrying handbags." are what you listed that man would usually do for their beloved.
but have you once thought that remembering anniversaries maybe considered as one of the most important as compared to the others as it marks an important date.
countering one of your point does not mean countering all as i do agree with the fact that it doesnt seem quite right for males to carry handbags nor open the door for their girls.
*one clap for this well written essay
and by the way, women too can serve the nation (after switching off the combat mode on the frontline) and men can never give birth according to science.
Aite lady, I'll go check em' out. Help me out in topics you wanna discuss or read in my blog too if ya wanna. Suggestions from a great thinker like you could brush me up for more post. Haha.
Comments to me are more meaningful in words. Moreover, a smiley face will do much better than whatever face you commented Corliss. Haha. Difficult to imply what that face means? Does he carry your bag or you just didnt know I could be that sweet? Not the time to get jealous la. Hahaha.
Haha. Yeah by science that's a fact. Well as what was stated, my intention was clearly to bring out how farfetched all this barriers that males and females have. Parts that I have stated were also picked up by my inspiration from the material I read. From paying to remembering are parts of it for the beloved, both from each gender. But there are countless more into making things work out between lovers.
Anyways, from remembering anniversaries. Yes, I trust that's important too. But it could mean much too if the other party takes the effort to remember it also. Making the first move was never meant for men alone. It was simply seen that way. In addition, in making some effort, do give some hope that making the first move will make an impact thus, in future it will be more of a mutual celebrated thing. Lastly, that will also leave a chance for the guy to pick from from where you have left him (the gesture of wanting him to remember.)
Communication never fails. What really matters is that if both wants it as bad as one another, no matter what falls, only the heart/s can rebuild and rekindle that special something. Inside is what matters the most.
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