Once again, I shall not post up much as there is certainly too much to word. To get me started, it is the end of Year One in Ploy. Year Two will be up come April. A part of me hope all is well to get into my elective course as the other part thinks that it may be to packed up with stuff. But I guess I got to do my best in whatever and juggle many things and be proud of myself. My Year's gpa - 3.2, should I be proud of it? I guess I should as know I did my best though not all the time, but the effort from just picking myself out of bed, doing up the layout and much more for presentation and trying at all UTs. I feel delighted yet I have to keep it up and going. Claps for my friends and baby for doing equally well of much better. So the long yet short holidays begin.
Jumped into the New Year's was the opener to my holidays. The previous few days was out with baby to celebrate the end of Year One, chilled around, skipped the last two days of school and was over at her place area till the time she needed to leave for New Year's over at Malaysia. Nice meeting you Aunty, by the way not just an aunty but my baby's mum! Thanks for the healthy drinks. Kept in contact with baby throughout for about four days. On my side, visitings as per usual. Various places, from locations of Seragoon Gardens, Mandai, Clementi, Queenstown, AMK, Kovan, Gih Moh Estate and Boon Keng. Guess there would be a few more which by now I would have a problem recalling. Collected a decent sum of Ang Baos. Though the other objectives of this highly celebrated festive season is to wish each other the best for the year/s ahead, meet and catch up and of course have fun in humble games of blackjacks and other gambling modes and eat.
After that quick buzzy week, it was sure another highly celebrated event. Stood in the later part of the following week was Valentine's day. Love - such a powerful word, splendid and glorious. Yet used worthlessly and the misuse of it has been casuing great damage. Till we all see it all as one. Few would actually know the meaning of Vday yet celebrate just because it is universal and claim to be done by lovers all around. Therefore, a normal loving couple would do the same from the fear of many things. Such as making his or her partner feel less worthy. Well in certain ways I beg to differ. Love should only be celebrated when it is felt. Though I celebrated it with baby, I made it clear that it was because of things we been and yet to have been through and the various other reasons behind - as to not make this post any inch longer. I hope you could see through me, the me that wants to be with you for all times, the me that is no average flirt, the me that wants to Love. Guess that says it all. A meaningful four days celebration with the long awaited meet up with her mum at her place. Time at gardens, the light up which took awhile cause of strong winds, was proud of it afterall. Town, dinner, walk down to Istana Park, Cab ride back, supper. Various things major or minor - in my heart. Movies together, p/s I Love You and Jumper. p/s Ily was a brillant picture with a good creative little plot with a great person to watch it with. Every part of the show Ithought of it deeper and related it to reality, how so important each mind plays to a show that they understand and sort to relate. The Love between friends, parents or in this case a mother and of course your partner. The things we go through, the reactions after a tragic event. I watch that moive twice, both with the best ladies in my life. My mum and baby. That is excluding my sis though. Jumper was all bout effects, the plot wasnt introduced well enough and I guess there might be part two in future. However, a power that would cause destruction in the real world if anyone would have it.
Other days ahead, chilled with my boys over at gardens. Chilling back home, Church for Stations of the Cross. Chilling with baby, Gardens, AMK and Town area, very pleasant times. Your smiles for me - wow. Finally my birthday dinner with family at Cafe Iguana. Met up with a bunch of Semester one classmates including my baby of course. Quite a blend catch up but at least it was good. Billy Bombers for dinner and coffeebean for chills and chats, small walk arounds in between. Earlier before the meet up, it was with baby, walked around, read childern's books and just enjoying around with her. Yesterday Tues, we decided to head to East Coast, had a shocker at prices, chill for a little while but my nose was runny and decided to have an early night. It was nice just walking around with her and thanks for the ice cream. Looking forward for all so countless nice times around the next time. Today, I have some time for home and there, my post for the blog. I have been wanting so much to blog but my laziness can actually murder me. Soon for more. My bad I didnt head on for the surprise Freely and I didnt go for the long time catch up with my kindergarden teacher and friends. It all came at once, with me being tired and down with my skin condition and runny nose as well. You'll never know the misery and that's a good thing.
-I choose always to be the better me for you. I choose to be the best that I can be, let me expect to hit my own expectations rather then you put me down for me weaknesses and for not meetings yours out there. Because by picking out my weakness is your own weakness. Fight the bull by it horns and take me till the end. Clean up after fight and fall. - I just cleared up.
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