Delighted with the gift, all my different expressions yet almost all with a smile. Thank you love.

Her gift with a priceless expression. Even when I looked at the photo of her in my phone it will make me smile or grin at her expression. Got her another gift given to her the day before, well midnight. Enjoy the Tiger tissue too. Ha. Shades looks so much better with you wearing em'

You sparkle dont you? Fireworks at Fullerton with her on National Day, Happy Bday Singapore. Small but great nation, 43years - so far.

The fireworks was close to awesome and it never fails to keep the await and excitement of its people. The display and effects complimented each other, a great way to end each parade I guess, wonder what will be better than fireworks for National day then?

The other performances I guess was improved since the first preview, baby and I went for in July. Dark skies didnt let many down at all instead, withstand the little drizzle to catch and look up to an amazing air force performance.

The crowd was a whole lot more than this. Marina Bay was flooded with people. Human traffic can get nasty I tell you. I must add that some police and wardens seemed to be slacking while others dealt with the impatient crowd rushing back wherever after the parade with little co-operation.

9th baby.

Chilled at Raffle's City for some doughnuts and a walk around to some shops.

Roof terrace @ Esplande. Nice time.
Where we also planned of where to sit the next day for NDP. It was all a nice weekend. Great stuff. Smiles.

08.08.08 chill out with love!

Fri, slacked around at home and met up with baby in the late afternoon to accompany her to get her gladiator footwear. Yes, it was nice awaiting for her to make up her mind and wearing different colours to see which suits best, she looked pretty good in all but black was still classic, so there is was, purchased. Bugis area for dinner, then we headed on for City hall area.

Skipped school, went over to baby's place. Surprised her, telling her I was home watching Tv and a home phone message was sent out to alert her I was at her door step. So we stayed in for the afternoon, watched a movie, 'Prom Night' over on my lap top. Great to have you in my arms, love. Funny you trying to dictate and control for the actors who were going to get killed. Haha. Thereafter, it was on for my UT, last one of this sem. She accompanied me to school. Back to have an early dinner at S11 and headed for desserts at Nebo. We went to try our hands at the arcade which was a pretty long time ago since we had our craze for it. We were pretty good. Chilled alittle more and headed back home, Friday, we are skipped lesson again. Heh.
Goodbye Mr.Green umbrella or Ms. Oops. Since my primary school days and for all rainy times. Cheers, hope you will be in good hands or at least be recycled to something useful -misplaced it in S11.

Wed, was for Professional Profiling which I have barely even touch and yet to move on with. But made a visit to SIA Engineering Company to get started. Mr Foo, I spoke too was great, friendly and helpful unlike the others in marjority in this "high class" industry. Thanks much to my Dad to send me all the way to Chai Chee Techno Park. Nice.
Monday, 4th Aug. A boring day in school with a unreasonable relief facilitator. After school was cool with baby, Kfc dinner for her while I snack on some doughnuts.
Tues, was lab session of the whole day, but it was pretty productive, next week will be the last lab session for this semester.
The leader in obivious ways but he is scared and humbled away when the truth arise one day. He fed the rich and abandon the poor, he taught the blind to walk and he helped the lame to see. Nothing more than it seems, as how contradicing life can be. To seek that path still in search to be enlighten by our very ownself and to forget knowing the rest.
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