SGCC Family Walk 08'.
My dad is the man and a good sport with all the fun-filled games to redeem cotton candy and popcorn coupons. Toys and other wins too.

Look at him go for the better prize, choosy choosy.

Macs for breakfast, good'o sponsors. What a waste to loose some calories and gain it back with Mac Chicken. Goodness.

Soaking in with the crowd all frantic with magic shows, paintings and lucky draws.

Mum and I with really generous cotton candy.

That tired out kind of face after walking 6.8Km. But my timing was a let down for a 19 year old slim boy like me, except for my bummy tummy, came in at 1hr23min. I recall the old times for 10km in 43min in a marathon, what happened? - Fast food maybe? Ha.

Hit our lane, should have cheated alittle, might have ran home for a ten min nap to catch up with them down my lane to continue with the walk normally. But well well, start and finished the whole walk. It was quite an eventful time, chat up with my mum and sis along the way. Mum and Dad did really great, way in front of my sis and I, probably came in about less than an hour. Awesome, parents.

Great turn out to make it all the more happening I guess.

Onward Singapore! But prices please drop alittle. Alittle? Ha.

Flagged off by the only female senior minister, Mrs Lim Hwee Hwa, 8am.
Time my family and I arrived: 730am.
Location: Seragoon Garden Country Club, 6.8km route.
End time for the whole event: 3pm.
Ratings overall: Good, my 1st Family walk!
The leader in obivious ways but he is scared and humbled away when the truth arise one day. He fed the rich and abandon the poor, he taught the blind to walk and he helped the lame to see. Nothing more than it seems, as how contradicing life can be. To seek that path still in search to be enlighten by our very ownself and to forget knowing the rest.
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