Soft toy and kiddy stuff to suit the theme of Chirstmas 08, as you can see in the lightings in town, childern kinda stuff, so I recieved.
- Soft toy dog from Harrod's, named it snowflake.
-Remote control helicopter, wanted it for awhile already.
-Some liquid painting set, baby and I could use that with our free time and enjoy.
-Barun Buffel wallet.
- 2 pairs of limited edition shoes, Nike terminator and vandal heavy.
-Prison Break calender 09.
-Tops, pull over, shirt and polo.
-F1 jacket.
-Smelly bloster.
-Smelly bloster.
Gift to them from me.
-Sisley Bag and fake eyelashes to my sister.
-Watch and wallet both from Guess to my mum.
-Cufflings and Shirt for my dad.
Baby got a can of Choc chip cookies, Cab chocs and a touch lamp for my family. I know you like the touch lamp a lot but you still gave it to my family, thanks love. All's nice. Smiles.
Midnight mass with family, thereafter the meet ups with church friends and YV. Back home to celebrate with my family then headed on to Freeman's place to catch up and stayed over. It was all good and it was nice to have alittle chat with them besides the fact that the army talk can get a litte inconsiderate.
Days before, worked with baby, chilled around had some good time chatting around her neighbourhood talking about how we met and so on, shy, funny and really nice oh naughty too. Met her cousin and her friend as baby told me they want to check me out, approval I guess huh? Haha. Nice to meet. Eve of Christmas eve was nice working with baby, the laughter and all. Wed, With family, good time driving, checking out the East Coast pit, getting food and preparing, met baby in the evening to get her presents for my family and I, thanks. Played this game baby passed to me, got my family to play it, had a fun time and changed up for mass, went early caught the Chior performing and finally got seats this time.
Brandon, well written and pleasant gift from baby who do not regliously celebrate Christmas anyways. Thanks love! When NUM and this bear came about I thought it was quite funny and didnt mind having it since then, baby remembered and listened well, got it. Haha. He sleeps beside me and will be taken care of. Ha.
The gifts to unwrapped, really nice.

26th! A day I've been planning for for awhile as well. My baby's birthday, I remembered what we did the year before of course and wanted it to be a little more outdoor-ish this time. Not knowing if she will like it but I went on with my feelings on the idea.
A camp out @ East Coast!
Booked a pit settled all I needed for it, including the food and cake.
Bought a tent, brought extra clothes.
Settled the presents, funny ones and the grand one.
Suprised her with planning along with her close friends.
Got my dad to suprise her when she met not only me but my dad to give her a car ride to the location and while on the way there she could only think of where I was bringing her to. Came out of the car at east coast told her I booked a pit and showed her the tent! Haha. Mad idea I guess but as long as she enjoyed it was worth everything.
My mum and dad got involved quite a bit, such as buying the items needed and allowing the stay thinking more on her parents allowance side, big thanks to my mum and dad really for their support, time and effort. Shows quite a lot in my relationship with baby. Open her presents in the tent we had no problems pitching the tent except for those troublesome insects we had to relocate. Got her a few funny gifts like Doramon DIY painting, Donkey cards, bubbles and water bubbles with a toy gun to keep ourselves entertained as well oh and even a set of pink folk, spoon and knife for the bbq and happy birthday plates. Haha I cant believe myself sometimes buying all that. BBQ and thats about the time I got a terrible headache, spoilt my mood for a bit obviously because I wanted baby to have a great time with me, actually didnt eat much, it was a waste since the hotdogs and chicken was really not too bad, the potatoes too went to waste. Got to nap while baby cleared and cooked up the rest of the food in case it rain. Oh and we both worked very well in starting the fire which was the fun part besides cooking. Had snacks along too and baby love the bacon bits keep munching on them once in awhile and of course the 3/4 the 2 cans of chips were finished by her. Oops. Later in the night about 10 plus, I remain in contact with her friends and there playing cards in the dark in the tent, birthday surprise came up behind her. Thanks to Angeline and Jamie for coming by knowing my plan in short notice and knowing how far, they still came and made it and added a better time for my love. Hung around and the grand opening of the present I got for her unwrapped! Hope you love it baby, Sony cyber shot camera. Simple and nice one I thought and it had new features too. Enjoy my love. Stayed till the next afternoon, sort of picnic outside for so called breakfast and waited for my dad to send us back to get some rest before we met up again to head over to my friend's place. Lastly, my mum got baby a Feragamo Body wash and my sis got for baby a L'occitane lip bum.
Need to improve for the whole birthday plan was the location nearer to the toilet and lightsticks for the night and maybe some pillows. Lets camp out soon again.
At big man's in the evening, it was a good time just sitting there chit chatting a bit. Didnt do that real catch up but got to know some new faces from RP itself and having baby made the company better, she's actually not scared of dogs at all, just the very loud and noisy ones I guess. Thanks Daryl, I have been going over for your yearly celebration for about 3 to 4 years now, lets carry on! He did this cheers thing with wine and asked everyone to say something and went round in a circle to say it, I usually get this only in church and it was really nice to do this kinda cheers and sharing with others not just with catholics.
28th. Sunday a day out with my family, morning mass, Holland V for breakfast/lunch, Dempsey Road for some branded sale. Headed on to little India area, The Verge at Tekka Mall for all sorts of old skool stuff and flowers. Old skool stuff like my childhood days playing with all those games, toy magnet cars, kites and so on. Flowers which my mum love and spent bout just less than a thousand for, goodness! The day dosent just end there, we headed down to China Town area. Had dinner, a good hot claypot chicken rice. Walked across the street and found ourselves interested in some auction. We just stood by with the crowd, in Mandarin the lady presenter spoke, trying to bring life to people in order for higher bids. Biddings were for Chinese embroidery in rosewood looking frames and in big frames too. Knowing my mum would love it. I suddenly just told them I have to sit, funny and sounded as if I was aging too quickly it was a joke of the day. Sat there and started to be in limelight of the crowd there, I actually raised my hand to place my bid, got a challenger so I raised my hand again and to my surprise I got it! Mine, the bigger and nice flower kinda embroidery for my mum. Priceless, somehow that feeling of getting invovled with this kinda thing for the first time, with my own cash and had it. The Frame was really big, pretty heavy but manageable cramped up in the car for home and the week ended, well spent! Best week of my 3 week holidays.
Aye! Hahaha man no worries! Its the thing man! Wah haha looks like ur xmas was a blast man! Claypot Chicken rice all! hahaha!
Haha. Yeah it was a good week. With your invite to your place as always too. More come during the last long hols of poly aye!
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