HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!Happy 20 Birthday! May you have the enjoyable day, good health, stay happy, always be positive, Be yourself and believe in yourself in everything you do and do the best out of everything =)
Thanks for everything which god has given to me and that person is YOU, someone special, someone who I love! 20 years back, this naughty baby boy (Justin) was born and given to your Parents. This boy has bring a lot of joy and laughter to everyone around him, esp to his family and me =) Don't ever give up on anything, because everyone around you will always give you the support and will in anything you do! Everyone cares and loves you!
God bless you. 
Sign Off: Your Baby! Loves <3
Thanks Jamie. Yes, she's learning from me a lot! Oops. Haha.
Hey baby! All along I do have such good ideas and all! Is just the time that I apply it! haha.
Haha baby. Apply it all the time ok? Haha. Miss you la, come back across the causeway, hurry!
Heh, baby I'm back already.
Once I'm back, over to gardens to see you! Happy or not? Haha. Thanks for coming over yesterday! Hope you enjoyed yourself =) Hugs.
Yes, like that and appreciate how you are so willing to see me because you missed me over the days. Hope you had a good time too! Smiles.
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