Blogging even when I'm in the airport. Here's just using the free internet while awaiting to get into the plane! Smiles to everyone.
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007
Walk back

Thursday, August 23, 2007
We walked by _

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Accidently everything *

Tossed like a stone.

Monday, August 20, 2007
Heart and chains.

Sunday, August 19, 2007
Just dont be like that today.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Dreams at the subway station.

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Story's narrator.
We all should pick it up cause we will all die some day.

Previously (11aug07)
- Met up, the occasional early Sin Yee and I. Together with other classmates for a day's hang out in addition, to catch a movie - Rush Hour 3. Relatively alright moive with good amount of jokes constantly however, the storyline wasnt as good with more or less repeated moves and use of props, length of the show speaks well of its t
itle ~ rush hour. Before the movie, a visit to topshop with Sin Yee and Jess, came along Eugene, Azura and one lost and late boy, Kenny. All in all, with the reminder of Me being bad in Mandarin, an attempt to read a bedtime story and a walk through childhood memories in the kids section of Taka building. After the movie, the unsightly looks of people dressed up for Cosplay. How people try too hard to remain looking good and sane while others seek for many more reasons to turn heads and speak of insanity. Buys of a girl at the flea market next to Cine who qiuckly fell into a shopping spree with giving me no chance to save her dollars she could have with a little more charm time from me. Soon after, departure from them and I. So to the meeting of another bunch.
- Caught up with a bunch, with our draggy moments of waiting but entertaining moments displaces them overtime. Dinner and after chills were fairly good with much laughter by poking fun at each other every other tick to a minute. Suprise meeting out of the midst with my ex baby, how we showed each other our misses. What a love story within the whole night's situation which promoted curious thoughts and judgements from others. Crazy as it is to the audiences who watched with jaw drop reactions of how one love awaits and the other dampens. How feelings of others are fidled in pure awarness but ignorance presist. "Absolute power" we behold
to change , I reckon from my reflection journal, but we fail to use these power wisely yet at the expense of others - a sad story which left me alone in the past again. But the chill out carried on , for more walks, chats, cash spending and a bet over a football match - on Liverpool. Was a good but could have been a more fulfilling hang out but it wouldnt have been more dramatic so far. Thus, a head home by a money wasting transport none other by, cab.
Love is like death.
Dying's as easy as dying can be hard.

Saturday, August 11, 2007
With someone disappointed in you.
The Friday was a bloom towards a slight faster moving episode of my past week. During the day in class, a first time six-man team and sure it was five or less in terms of who truely did and shared their contributions. Class was once again chilly due to the large absence of my fellow classmates who did not share the air conditioning. A few bundles of laughter and a quick end to the day with just three teams presenting. A felt short walk to the subway station with a bunch of classmates made my walk less self reflective with their jokes and little chit chats. Moreover, with a little step on someone's slippers and a close nudge to end off the journey back home. Dinner and Heroes with mum, which after not long overtime, my eyelids took to rest and conversations coming from the interesting episode failed to penatrate any further in my ability to listen.
"Before we bite, Reflect." ( Picture )
Woken from the high frequencies by my moblie's ring tone to find myself in agreement for supper and always a good catch up. Moreover, in anticipation and curiosity of what I was to be acknowledged about from my fella buddy.
After a mass conversation through Msn messagener with my friends; confirmed plans were made, thus I was better to go for supper. The meet up with Gab and Sarah. Recalling when was the previous time these three classics got together. Macs was the venue, good company, rather refreshing and seeing both smiles from those two were delighting. As hours seem to speed a thousand ticks more, a sound summary of the night/morning was: Long awaited, matured and a bloody constructive laughter filled time and catch up.
- No time was better to arrive back home than 4! And a delighted part in me for a shiny little spark that lits and kindles the vessels of my classic buddy. I bet I saw the sunset and sunrise this time ( 11Aug - 7.12am ) as I head the sacks for a couple of hours before heading out.
- As my hearts beat faster and faster. Sometimes beginings arent so simple and goodbye's the only way. Fear is not afraid of you and guilt's a language you can understand, I hope the actions speak the words they can.

Friday, August 10, 2007
Misses of the Sunrise and the Sunset.

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Fighting the neagtive momentum +

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Class Goes mad with Math and Computing...

An a outsider some consider in the class. Orange? - Artistically drawn by the combination of thee mad Jo and Mei - again.


Black Winter.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Feet Cold on the Floor.
Class was as per norm, having two naughty minded disturbed girls in my team explains the madness within. Nothing I wont miss I would say with the last three Fridays remaining, but it can be a real suffer with added rumours within the four cupboard feeling walls. I contain it.
Tired of the want to be what others want out of you. Every day passes with countatble blinks of an eye but little do we know what lies ahead. Lost in the midst of doing so much with little objectives is what we often do, with the help of saying, No I think I know what I'm doing and I've got this; pleases the mind but unfortunately it dont set it straight. Collage of memories spears through deep enough to feel the pain and the impact of its nature. With face down and eyes focused as if studying each grain which made up the floor; can I choose who I want to be or why have I chose to be the me at present?
Last night, with my two boys, dinner and a couple of sides. Restlessness, moved through which enforced my decisive yet stupid actions to take it out at the park's dustbin. Broken easily, mend back, tough - Just like a borken heart fidled with, by restless emotions of another, taken out on and left behind.
"Could you be my unintended. Without the play hard to get factor?" Pride is one of most hardy armour to penatrate into to meet that nervously beating muscle.

Sunday, August 5, 2007
Sabbath then.

The start of a new day before the sun rises.

Saturday, August 4, 2007
To much just to word - the first born gets killed
As the year 07 made its way, it was all a blur and the first few months I tend to want to forget. A vauge little memory haunts, but that is all I could ask for since it was also the shortcomings and the various obstacles that made me stronger. I will always cherish the moments shared with my friends and family and the picture auto focus itself for me to visually see who was the true and the ones who really cared and I shall never dismiss my love for them. The torn and tired I made it through the strudy admins, heavy requirments and the glass doors of Repubilc Polytechnic. Glad to know, this is a new level in acadamics and more importantly to start this route. Gladly too, I made it with two of my close friends of mine in this mixed surroundings that takes you right out of your comfort zone during the first few steps in the study calender.
Fast forwarding, W14P, class for the first semester has never crossed my mind that it will be so cool to meet this bunch of significant people in thier own different ways which may seem as insignificant at first sight. Well as of present, we have the remaining two weeks to stress each other while keeping our misses for them till the last day. Not much of a word can describe this classmates of mine, I would say I have enjoyed lunches, presenting, class movies, randoms, bullies and many others, I would say beautiful mishaps which I happen crossed paths with. Apart from this big part of my life right now, I guess my chruch youth group that I sort to hold close to my heart, Youth Vineyard has played a vital role in my faith and the things I withstand was through some of the companies of them, maybe just a few - and one classic fella. Family has never meant much more than it did for the pass few years and that is all I am gonna say about this vital pillars I have and will always love dearly.
The links in between has been much of my chill outs, my tv addictive self and my new items I can get addicted to, my Vaio and the "many things in my pocket" - N95.
As I have come so far, has this been working? Past being the best profit of the future?

"Sometimes we seem to see hate more than love as we have that haunting confusion between both."

Blog Archive
- Flies
- Walk back
- We walked by _
- Accidently everything *
- Tossed like a stone.
- Heart and chains.
- Just dont be like that today.
- Dreams at the subway station.
- Story's narrator.
- With someone disappointed in you.
- Misses of the Sunrise and the Sunset.
- Fighting the neagtive momentum +
- Class Goes mad with Math and Computing...
- "Garbs"
- Black Winter.
- Feet Cold on the Floor.
- Sabbath then.
- The start of a new day before the sun rises.
- To much just to word - the first born gets killed
About Me
- Truth in the lies and his quotes inside.
- Singapore, Serangoon Gardens.
- I wouldnt say I'm that much of a simple guy who lives down the street with little motives running through his head, cause that wouldnt be me neither would it be that simple. Like most and all others, a man who transits between his faith, hopes and downs back to reality where either or neither both be found. If I was to state me as simple, then it places my aims to the test. Defying the oughts of nothing but the simple truth, sad and drown, torn yet driven to find out why and the reason he was brought here in aid to comprehend his fingerprints and the complex map as if a form of hardcore tattoo arcoss his palm printed; he urges his story to unfold, crushes the young chapters but alike an innocent kid, places it under his pillow. What will you do if you came back to life and held the object and subject who killed you? To meet and yet be part of the director of this enticing thriller yet dramatic plot of my life.