The past week had its end. The goodbyes to two forgien classmates. Waffles and hugs, have a good and safe trip till we meet or bum into each other next semester, Lulu and Nana. Days went by quick, accompanied with boredom and nothingness; just a flow of time watching it waste with little meaning. Last Friday, it poured heavily, apporximately the longest walk time to school under the covered walkway. It had ought to be a reflective one, as each droplet of water met my cheeks, driven by the winds. The atmosphere was set to drown in deep thoughts which places the sun nowhere to brighten up the sky. Puddles, too lazy for me to walk around them, to watch others quicken their paste furthering my sight of them. Others kept warm by another, jackets or double layered. While others boast as if they could take the cold and harsh winds any longer than a girl with little clothes in the bus on the way to school. That morning kept the rest of the day under the shades. Sang aloud in class, guess it would have shock others in class, my bad I guess the rain got into me. It was alike getting into a trance, while listening to my favoured music, lost within its words, beats and meassges it brings. Something different presented itself, instead of presentations as per norm, this time it was to be a class presentation for science. In other words, four teams that day had to choose certain topics about the MRI machine and present it as a class. A protryal of unity to some extend but it place our ability to share and communicate to the test, which sadly I watch some fail, with also acknowledging mine at stake.
Weekend wasnt much alike the last with a couple of friends, smokes, drinks, catch ups and lost loves. This time, one on one with the non-stop use of my laptop and the rest - bed, both days. Couple of movies watched, a few nice and watchable twice types while others ought to be deleted soon. PM speech with my family sinking myself in the sofa with a dozen or more munches on snacks. The speech was rather enlightening at how foward looking my country's being. Various plans and vast outlooks, we cant help but anticipate the outcome a few years or more down the road. Age has been an issue too, not forgetting the constant studied satistics on retirement age, my time, 75years old maybe would be the age to retire? However, it is good to know that this country is still going through this constant upgrades, it just makes it all a better place and sometimes redeems its failures and faults. Many shut their doors with skeptic feels yet others still in hope this little red dot wouldnt fall complacent.

We are not waiting to heal, we are all awaiting to cure. This fear in our hearts does not speak the absence of courage, it only speaks of our expected outcome in the long or short run, fall, crashes and burns into ashes. Our bottled up love and common sense breaks and shatters into fragments lost - "Chapters we wanna just rip out."
when it crashes down onto the cold floor. Conform to sorrows, wanting to break out seem heart threatening. Fear once again in your eyes when you try to foresee the future. Elements we tend to place by our sides to keep us safe has been lost to the times we seem to not need them. Restoring the same feel will never be the same, but it has the storming power to be better which many thought differently. Does he question himself, that hate grew within, from the simplest of things; himself. The confident eating problems and sufferings, he covers than shows it. While others remain, forcefully containing it till its time. Why am I breathing here?
They know when it is me, when I speak to you it is sort of unique, my words are deep, think before you daze and all you do is tap your feet. Sheep under wolf's clothing various things to hold on and keep.
HELLO JUSTIN! (: Cool blog you have with all those pictures. I havent seen you for months! Hope you still remember me bro! Take care okay (:
I still do I still do. Ha.
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