It was difficult to forget, as it was hard to forgive. For all the times, which part really mattered? We will still be missing, lost even with a compass in hand, directions seem to fade or blurred out.
Some say the past makes you stronger, it has the same power to make you weaker. A friend said it was childish and we should just focus at present. Darn true but we took differnet routes so the author of the stroy wasnt the same.
They try too hard to be somebody else which they got caught up with and had themselves stuck. Frozed into a stand still position, where he helped and cared too much of others that he lost himself, neglected from helping, hurt from his concerns, affected by his own power to tell and the advise he dont apply.
We play the game so hard and dertermined, as if we controlled each and every step. What some of us dont realise - We think that we play the dies, but the dies plays you.
Contemplating to throw that burning coal to him, but not knowing you will get burn first in order to pick the sizzeling coal up then.
In question of why he gets so worked up at what may be his faults or shortcomings. Lack of ability to turn his weaknesses around. Uncalled for, no show of appreicativeness, no show of them, no show as they were caught up, moved on too quickly or was he standing still? It sure seems like the latter.
Sad, sorrowful and pain filled novel this is. Charaters in this dont care, elements missed, thoughts unspoken. Becuase, there was someone better, someone more up to it, faster and beautiful. Pride closed our doors.
If the rich wage a war, the poor would die. We fight different trends of war. Stumble, the rich doubts the poor. But the poor is richer is various other ways, those the money dont blind.
They try to catch you down and dirty, they watch when you are unconsicious; to come up fast -Climbing up the ladder was quick, falling off was a lot quicker.

Sometimes all we needed to do was to listen.
the day squirrel became fox.
giraffe became Ilama. :)
I still think, I drew much much better than you, my lady.
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