Just before I head for the sack, I decide to do a few more tappings onto my laptop's key pads, as the sound of every tap, determines the emotions I play with within myself. I'm done with two remaining eps of Heroes to go with my mum which we are highly likely to finish within this once again speedy flying weekend, not forgetting with a couple bags of chips in our midst to add somewhat vivid to this messy yet interesting plot. Messages that wishpers in your head before and after every ep is a real questionable question at times, we ought to hear them out. The meaning so intensely powerful at times, you would wanna remember the quote by heart.
It is funny how things are able to work at times, where at one location, people are dying and weeping sinful deeds whilst others can enjoy the surroundings of luxury and gold. How I am here typing being so obilvious to the madness that surrounds yet safe within the walls of my mum's bedroom where I set myself free from harm - sadly harm of what others can do but not mine. Silence can be oh so deadly, but we all seek it one day as we'll all get sick of the noise that fills the air ways right into our beating ear drums. How I sit and wait for what is gonna happen next and worrying of tomorrow's problems today. As others await to step into another country after their 12 hour long flight.
Well enough said, and enough thinking, where one who reads may find this a bore or a test and even think I am nuts to think this through, either one, it got you thinking. Nights to the people who are fast asleep in the midst of wanted or unwanted dreams, and for a friend who acknowledges herself to be cute and innocent, who has just ended work to be safe back home under her covers after our exchange of messages - my care of this one.
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