At the junction to cross, do we look out for the red or green light when we have something or someone so important to us in need? Or so do we place ourselves in danger that the other party across regrets being there in the first place?

It's finally here, the last day of Sem one in year two. The modules were tough, the break time seems shorters, the day seemed longer and the facilitators all seemed stoned. The class was inactive for most of the occasions. Words spoken for presentation could be counted easily. Though some feelings are left for the class and experience as a whole, I guess it wouldnt last. Goes to prove that as time goes we take things more seriously till we forget to cherish the moments we have. Yes, it is a dog eat dog world here but who says we cant play with the bones we have first? Cheers to the good times. Baby made it well with her grades, I feel. We both completed our CE module, both endured the subjects we didnt enjoy. We spent time at all break out times even if we had long lab sessions and we met every morning and walked back every night. My true smiles for that! My grades arent good at all, the Collection of "Cs" made me Crazy with a Capitol for the past C lettered words. Project report has yet to be submitted but I am working on it soon. UT grades were a turn off while some were relatively positive to a small little extend. Knowledge gain was priceless yet building on it will be a definiate challenge.
It was pretty cool but the codes was like acient chinese characters to me, bet you can imagine that.
It was nice to have a close friend, Dalvin in the same class for my elective, Sport Business. Which was the nicest and the only module for last semester that actually made great meaning and sense to me. Even the students in this class seems more alive with a very knowledgable faci who has practically been anywhere in the world, goodness for that young, she must be really successful and lucky. Dalvin who is in the same course as me was also just next to my core class, nice to know.
To all the memories from Year 2 semester 1, it has been one hurdle for my modules yet the experiences are remembered. For my parent's and baby's support and those who showed a little concern, thanks a bunch.
Hey justin! hope all is well for you! Long time no see and talk! Just occasional glimpse in church. Ha
Hey Jamie. Yes yes it is the hols finally but it has been moving so quickly. Sem 2 with a brand new class and added modules will be up, how!??? Haha, really? I missed the glimpse of you, where have ya been hiding aye? Ha.
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