Monday, July 28, 2008

Twice the fest

Days after the trip in school was pretty much slow and a bore. Lessons were tougher as it built on pervious lessons which was already killing brain cells pretty constantly.
After school would be the walks back with baby and our little chills before we head back for rest and others.

The weekend came and it was more time for each other, really do not know how it will be if we both werent in the same school, wont want to find out anyways. Friday after school and her ut, I got dinner and mudpie for baby, she didnt know how to read my directions, but I guess there is nothing wrong with my directions, ha. I had a good time with her just enjoying each other's company but we read a sad blog. As always mention, we cant take anything or everything for granted.

Over the weekend it was a festival feast, Friday, Ignite - Music fest in RP, had local bands from EIC, Ruth, Electrico and more. It wasnt too bad, it was held outdoors at the reflection pond of RP's and it felt nice to listen out and give our support to local bands and music artist also with baby in my arms through out and yes starry night of our stars outfit. Oh and they had Barnfire to perform some firery tricks.

On to Sat, thanks love for the support, after ssdc, we went to have lunch at NYP for some Macs and ice cream, pleasant to spend that time. Decided to move to Vivo city for some look arounds as we have not been there in awhile. Checked out more shops than we would usually, guess shopping in KL Malaysia made us look around to vary prices and good buys now. Zara didnt have her belt and other shops sold stuff she bought at a higher price making her more proud, but for me, G2000 was on sale, sighs. Had Ben and Jerry's and chill around in there for quite awhile till we decided to head to more shops and even dinner was on at Burger King, your ex crush again! Oops. Ha.

It was getting late, so it was time for the 1st night festival in Singapore at the arts museum held over two Fridays and Sat. We headed for it, checked out nice and some significant displays of photography, old items, wayang items and an amazing electronic canvas display. The electronics was okay for me but it just reminds me how the world is really up to date which such technology and knowledge that what can only bring it down is the evil in us. Not forgetting it reminded me of Engineering, all those freaking C codes, binary and what not.

On the outside which we werent in time for was the open air movie where people sat all over the grass patches. After that it was light installations projected out to the whole of the museum, it didnt stop at one design it had at least ten different coloured ones. Over on the the stalls set up, it has fun and games for all ages, fun fair kind of games and cartoonist artist which baby and I give it a shot and got our faces drawn out funnily. Over on the side of SMU, it was Zouk's showcase of MC-ing, breakdancing(which I missed), graffiti competition and turntablism from DJ Shoutkut which amuse the crowd with his hip hop regime. My mum and dad came down too for the night's fest and decided to fetch us back as there was no last bus or train, thanks to that. Hope baby enjoyed, it was a long day, waking up early, bumming into the crowd and staying through part of the hip hop section which she didnt catch the hype. I still like the drawing of your face, love. Funny and it quite looks like you, mini eyes. Heh.

Church at 9am, finally for me. Lunch and Nike sale at and around Kovan. Home for sleep and others. Early and filling dinner and the rest of the day and night was some time with my lappy again.


The long awaited to trip to KL with Gab, Manda, My love and I. 19th July to 21st July 08'.
Coach Lapan Lanpan Express and Tours.
Radius International Hotel.
Coach ride there and back was great as I had baby beside me througout and my close bud and his love right infront, having the comforts to know I am with close individuals around to an unfamiliar place and back home.
Our adventure begin from 630am to Park Royal Hotel to meet and get the coach. Breakfast with baby at the coffee shop, lucky for those noodles which kept the coach ride quiet without the sound of my grumbling tummy and hers. Arrived in KL where we were stopped just after Petaling Street, China town. We decided to walk to the hotel which make the day feel hotter than it already was. Got our rooms by 3pm +, after settling down and meeting our shelter for the 3days and 2nights. We headed on to get busy with shopping and having fun. 340pm to about 1030pm we were out.
Places we visited, China Town which has so many good buys. We chose to settle our buys at a few stalls. Back to town in the evening, Lot 10 which we odd not to miss, BB plaza and Sungeiwang Plaza which was a shopping centre that cant be missed when making a trip down to KL town site. KFC for dinner, extented the time to meet back to head to the hotel for more to look forward to the next day. Before doing so, baby got me cough syrup as my sore throat was killing my voice which appearantly sounded sexy especially to Gab bud rather than my love, Argh. Cup noodles and milk too. Warm showers and cuddles ended the 1st plesant day/night.
Morning buffet breakfast with baby while Gab and Manda went for mass, good prayful couple. Headed back to the room for about an addition of half and hours sleep while waiting for Gab and Manda to arrive back. Soon after, as the four of us, we decided to ride in the cab to KLCC/Twin Tower. Pretty big place, shopped around and baby got a nice belt from Zara. AnW for lunch together with Gab and Manda. Had a couple meal which had pretty much for just S$11+, it inculded, 3 piece chicken, nuggest, fries, 2 root beer floats and oinon rings. Filled up to our thoats as before that we chilled at O'Brians, 2 chocolate filling slices of cake and coffee. Took a look around awhile more. Decided to separate with Gab and Manda as they headed on with more shopping and to town, while baby and I wouldnt want to miss another shot at China town where most of the good affordable buys would be. About 2 an a 1/2 hours there for thrilling bargains and buys. Congested as more shops begin to be set up for what I guess would be a buzzling usual night in China Town. In the earlier part of the night, baby and I headed back to place our purchases down. Back out and checked out Low Yat plaza after BB plaza which we found that Sungeiwang is connected. Got some doughtnuts for Gab and Manda which they didnt eat in the end, about a dozen dougnuts when to waste the next day. After getting the doughnuts we wanted to check out KL plaza as it looked near in the map which I think it is but we found ourselves discoverying Times Sqaure, a huge area to walk out heavy meals, it had an in build themepark. I decided to spend a little more last minute when the shutters of the shops begin to pull down. Cab price wasnt flexible and being a little more daring we walked back to the hotel. The night didnt just end there, we packed what we happily bought as the next day would be the last day of this trip. Waited on Gab and Manda to be back to head out for supper come, simple chill out time. We went down at about 1130pm, didnt chill at any pubs as prices were pretty high and we werent into drinking what more about smoking. Starbucks back in town was chosen for chill. The night pleasantly ended with warms showers, cup noodles, little chats, cuddles and snores(haha) by about 330am.

Last day, woke up later, breakfast and rushed for more buys before we left by afternoon. It was really nice to get more buys with her. Collected our bags which was barly full when we came but filled to the zips limits when headed back, great stuff. While waiting for the coach at the bus interchange, it was busy, all humid and a whole lot of tonic gas breathed in while we paitently wait to get in for Singapore. Thanks to Gab's Dad who sent both baby and I to Amk Hub where she and I had dinner and to her place to sort our buys, chat with her mum while her mum nagged at my baby's (good) buys. There and then back home, this trip to Malaysia ended, unforgettable and nice exprience.

Couple of Polo tees
Nike Tracks pants
G2000 shirt
Wrist band
Jumper/hoodie which has stars all over
Couple of polo tees
Couple of tops
Addidas jacket
2 pairs of shorts
3/4 bottoms
Parents, thanks dad for sending us and for adding a little more extra in my pocket and helping and reminding me what to bring along. Thanks a bunch mum once again for the Nike shoes while you are over at Thailand we still contacted much. For funding my trip, for making possible to go as well and also your wishes for me and all to enjoy. Love ya'all.
She made it best for me, to have someone to hold through the unfamiliar crowd and country. Fed and got me medicine for my throat, shared my blanket, laughters, joys and even bargins. The one I had to sleep straight with, (oops, haha) - all others, even singing chinese songs with you, goodness. Baby, hope you enjoy to the fullest though at times it wasnt nice, cherish the moments and share all this we have, for Love and for more - I am here!
Gab and Amanda, for booking the hotels and coach. Gab for having the buddy love and just for the nice company through out, it was nice to know we could msg even apart in a differnet place. Cheers fella.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Day Tripper

If only even the little water droplets can be seen. When the effort of small magnitudes can be apprecatied. Come to a point to stop and think so we could stop saying, "as time goes, people change." Because to a large extend that's just a damn illegitimate darn excuse.

Last Friday after school and UT, it was time to chill around with baby. We headed to town. Because I was not feeling very well we speed up to get a place to settle down and eat. As I had little appetite, she actually took the chance to eat up my share which in total is $7.60 worth of duck noodles! Right after I felt better, we decided that we will move on to Clark Quay. There, we spent some time near the river bay. Went on to O'Brians as I knew there was a chocolate cake she might like. Being her good self, we treated me to dinner and had the chocolate cake for herself which was good and it didnt fail my expectation. Home before it got too late and suprised her with a little gift, hope you like it and stuff yeah.

Sat, early in the morning, difficult for me on a Sat but I had to get my new passport collected. No more NIRC and Passport number as the same and a new photo replaced my secondary school old looks. On to have some breakfast which was planned to be at Lavander but due to parking troubles we headed to Amk hub to have breakfast at the market. Good thing it was, as my mum and I decided that my scratched up N95 needed to be replaced, after comtemplating for awhile between, HTC, Motorola F1 edition or Gold Luxury version and N95 8 Gb. N95 8 Gb won the battle. I have not much of an idea why I traded in for the same model phone though with a slight modification. So I got my new N95 8Gb, it placed a smile on my face and "everything in my pocket." I guess it was the trade in value it would bring in future, the memory space, the 5meg camera, larger screen and colour that attracted me most. Thanks mum, even if you did not help me get it, you are the best and of course dad for accompanying and all.

Got some sleep back home, a little headache came on but decided to meet up with Gab and Sarah, finally. Before that, I had a quick 1st dinner. On to meet up with baby as she accompanied me to get a thumb drive for Sarah. It was nice for even that short while, thank you. So Thai Express 2nd dinner and on to Frolick was for the night with Sarah and Gab, caught up with them a little, wished a good stay and study for Lady as she was on to pursue a degree over at UWA, Perth.

Sunday, sadly I fell sick. Must be silly me pushing myself to stay in school while having a terrible flu back on Thursay, which cost me to miss the following Monday's lesson.

Quickly recovered, I'm back to school on Tues. After school, it was off to send my mum and sis to the airport as they made their way to Thailand for a weeks' vacation. Miss them. My love accompanied and had dinner along with my family, first time with her to a Jap resturant. Was great to have you along, someone to whole and see my mum and sis off too. A present to my surprise, none other from my mum, my 1st Nike Court Force pair of shoes China "Break through" edition. Left on my chair with a note wishing me a good trip to KL with my Love, Bud and his love. Nice Nice. Wed, interesting Sport Buisness lesson. Headed back, accompanied baby to get her stuff and grabbed some doughnuts to spend a little more time together.

Thurs(yesterday), Lesson at school was in the Lab, as usual I was all a blur to me and then cameUT to finish off the day in school. Baby and I decided to catch a movie. Went to get POSH brownies for her, carried on for dinner which was earlier than usual for us at PS. To our disappointment Golden V no longer had the show, so did Bishan. Hence, playground spot for some time and back home it was, good kids this week. Home early-to bed early just for an exciting trip we look forward to, just come tomorrow.

Today, school as per norm. She and I plan to head out for dinner, a chill somewhere maybe at Gloria Jeans in town with also the purpose of getting some snacks for the coach up tomorrow. Baby, I hope we'll truly enjoy and it will be positively unforgettable. I will take care of you anytime, dont run around and go missing please. Shop and enjoy all you want yeah. Smiles. For my good bud and Manda, lets enjoy too, thanks for booking as well.

It doesnt have to be grey and it doesnt have to be bright. It does that when we want to smile when we head to sleep at night.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Spikes of many broken glasses.

Arriving at to the end of this week. It started off as per norm, had ut after school. Returned back to her area to accompany her for dinner at her favourtie market. It was dinner for me back home. Slacked around and Tues was head on. Lab session it was, pretty long and tiring day trying to plant in the wires to the right nodes to the LEDs, presented ok. After class was nice to know that I'll head to meet baby as usual. Hide and seek it was pretty funny, catch you here and spot you there and all. Aunty slipper sound led me to you, found! She's been eating ice cream every now and then after lunch, now with cone, even the aunty knows us and we need not say anything except cup or cone. Alike the pervious day, she had dinner, this time it was where we caught the sort to be addictive 9pm chinese show a few months back. Duck noodles there was pretty nice(only gave me one spoon of it, heh.) Wanted to get my passport done thus I needed a updated photo but Kodak was close by then so my mum and I with sis scanned it and submitted the photos online, technically incline nowadays aye.

Wed, special wishes to baby. Had a good time meeting up with her, we accompanied Dalvin. As for lunch, it was pretty nice just eating up, adding items to our dish and all. Ice cream again but for me, she got me smoothie. Met up and had planned to head out to town for a good fast food dinner down at Marina. Window shopped or just simply looked around and headed to the roof terrance of Esplande. She welcome me there, anyhow it was pretty nice the breeze and the surroundings. Was to meet Gab and Manda at Ave 6 Macs, but we called off.

So, the day in school today, horrid. My nose was running, it was sunny when I left for school, but just when the train stopped at Woodlands it begin to rain. Baby is not with me today as she had to send her brother off to serve our great nation, but she'll be back for ut, such a hardworker, good stuff. In the lab, I practically did nothing due my runny nose as well as my team mate was a one man show. Pops of panadol and tissues piled up on the table. Decided to stay all the way to see if I can get a B at least. As I reached for my last piece of tissue, my team has yet to reach its turn, not after two teams, there goes with more suffering for me to last the school day. Again I am unable to meet with Sarah and Gab, man what is this nonsense, my bad. Baby came down for her ut, before it, she met got me doughnuts, hotdog and a cup of hot milo! Thanks baby really appreciate it. You must have known how much I miss you today right. Peck on you cheeks straight when I met you.

The easy is still hard,
so the hard was easy,
sometimes it pains me.
What could this all be,
the miss expectations,
and there are no reasons
oh how we want some conclusions.
No, we will go on for love provides the best sensations.

The clouds were dark but the kids still play,
no worries what comes the next, just a brand new day.
As we grow, our sercurties begin to decay,
School to work with jobs that give good pay.
Prayers prayed for peace and happiness,
yet we have to be prepare for darkness to come and pass our way.
To end this,
I have nothing much to say.
"The end" That's good it didnt cause any delay.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Backward tracks -

Life has stages that are mandatory and some that aren't. Many say that life can only take one route and that life's like that. But some defy the boundaries of what life can bring in pursuit of another stage, a stage where you take the lead and finally say, no matter what position you are in, "I'm in charge"

Days dashing, just passing by so quickly that it left me with little leeway to make much of a post in the last two weeks. However, it still remains pretty much the same old but with a couple of events which made my week/s rather eventful.

Events that come into mind, I will just blog it down dismissing the need of arrangment by time or date. Along the week before and the last. My school mates, girlfriend and I had to make some important decisions on picking our electives, wisely. Two Sat back I worked with baby, her brother and his friends for the AMK Chong Boon event held opp the MRT station, where ministers from the PAP visited and mingled with the folks living in AMK estate. It was different for me and I have to say it was an exprience with fun and knowledge moreover, Baby and I handled the Prata stall all to ourselves. I would state out in detail but lets just say Singaporeans can be really "Kiasu" and rude, the majority. Therefore, the minority being polite and nice were of course appreciated. Afterall we are all in one way or another, the same. (After work, dinner at the Hub, Chicken wings near by and playground.)

Fri came along. The day before, I found myself resposible for not bringing my girlfriend's laptop! Being in RP without a laptop can be really a bore. Thanks baby for being so understand, she did not blow her top or get close to angry - I hope. ( Laptop was taken back in the first place because I did not want her to loose it during work and to lighten the load.)

Along the other days,
- Doughnuts and after school chills with baby.
- Ut and Ut and Ut and RJ after RJ
-Hang outs with baby, Cityhall and the area around town.
- Met up with Gab a few times to Frolick, Gardens.
-Met up with Freeman and Gab at Macs for dinner and a few games of Pool at the Garden's Country Club along with Lynn, Zoa and Jerome.(Freely, as you are moving into Army, stay strong and dont fall into negative influence. Soilder!)
- Out with family to town, but no avail in getting my China (break through) Nike Court Force pair of shoes. (A fuss was broken up because of poor service.)
- Fri, 4th. Headed out with my love. Town for dinner at USA Diner by Billy Bombers, thereafter we caught a movie, "Wanted." Action packed with a relatively good stroy line which I feel has a deeper meaning after thought. Each to thier prepectives for now, 3 and a 1/2 stars for plot and 4 stars for action. The movie ended in time for the last train but to our surprise Cine Cathy area was wide awake from push cart shops to Subway they were still opened with the crowd lingering, made it look as if it was still 8pm, for real. Guess I have been a good grown up boy to not hang around such places anymore recently.
-Sat, I was to head out with YV, a dinner farewell for Sarah, lady. Sorry Sarah, I couldnt make it, thanks lots for your understanding. ( Do take care and enjoy much at Perth, study smart and enjoy the season change sales! Never know if I can go over, safe me accomodation then yeah. Ha. All the best and we'll miss you for sure, all your serious times and all so much of laughter together. Cant count cash together for canteen but will do it on ya behalf, take care too of your new vaio! Do keep in touch then. Cheers to our fun times and all. Big hugs for all the safe trips you will take and all others. Note: Dont forget to shop for me or something, they have a Nike factory outlet there, hint hint!)

Moving on, it was a great and unforgettable time with baby at the Marina waters for the parade. Arrived early which was worthwhile as we got good seats, 3rd role from the stage where we had a good view of most creative events. Though it was creative, some were relatively close to boring, the steps and moves did not take us off our seats. Despite that, it went on smoothly and good with the parachute, Black Knights figther jets performing in the skies right above its audiences, wow us with air aerobotics and forming various forms from the smoke effect, like the huge heart shaped in the sky. Fireworks and one or two more events that was pretty good. The parade ended earlier than expected maybe because we wanted more or waited for better performances. It was really warm in the afternoon, the Sun melted us for awhile then retreated back into the clouds. She and I chat a little, help paste tattoos on each other and took many photos. She took a nicer fun pack, refusing to take what the usher gave her, funny momemts all the time. Nice. Thank baby. Of course thank you for the gift! Which she surprised me in the midst of waiting for the parade to commence - using it come Semester 2.
On to Singapore flyer for dinner, Popeyes. Hungry me ate up everything in my meal. Oh did I mention it was packed up with the crowd from the parade, like sardines while making our way out of the area. In addition, we headed to Esplande, walked around and we took the last train back once and again.

Sunday, I had some time at home, checked mails and was online for the whole day. With the thought all a long in my mind, I made my way down to Expo to give baby a surprise visit at work! "Look at you!" I msged and the look on her face, priceless! just like how she is, priceless! She got me a shirt and herself a pack of Oreos(my bad you didnt get to find much for yourself). Had ourselves dinner at Burger king for the 1st time also with her at Expo. At a cosy seat with little light, she told me some stories about her days work. Headed back and prepared for the week ahead, school and others. Seeing you is always worthwhile, 20 plus train stops, no nike shoes, parents nags or Ut the next day, I'm down for you. Not all the time, but feel your heart, I'm beating it non stop! Smiles my love you complete my days too lover girl.
What would you say if you had a direct line to God?

"Sometimes we seem to see hate more than love as we have that haunting confusion between both."
The leader in obivious ways but he is scared and humbled away when the truth arise one day. He fed the rich and abandon the poor, he taught the blind to walk and he helped the lame to see. Nothing more than it seems, as how contradicing life can be. To seek that path still in search to be enlighten by our very ownself and to forget knowing the rest.

About Me

Singapore, Serangoon Gardens.
I wouldnt say I'm that much of a simple guy who lives down the street with little motives running through his head, cause that wouldnt be me neither would it be that simple. Like most and all others, a man who transits between his faith, hopes and downs back to reality where either or neither both be found. If I was to state me as simple, then it places my aims to the test. Defying the oughts of nothing but the simple truth, sad and drown, torn yet driven to find out why and the reason he was brought here in aid to comprehend his fingerprints and the complex map as if a form of hardcore tattoo arcoss his palm printed; he urges his story to unfold, crushes the young chapters but alike an innocent kid, places it under his pillow. What will you do if you came back to life and held the object and subject who killed you? To meet and yet be part of the director of this enticing thriller yet dramatic plot of my life.