After school would be the walks back with baby and our little chills before we head back for rest and others.
The weekend came and it was more time for each other, really do not know how it will be if we both werent in the same school, wont want to find out anyways. Friday after school and her ut, I got dinner and mudpie for baby, she didnt know how to read my directions, but I guess there is nothing wrong with my directions, ha. I had a good time with her just enjoying each other's company but we read a sad blog. As always mention, we cant take anything or everything for granted.
Over the weekend it was a festival feast, Friday, Ignite - Music fest in RP, had local bands from EIC, Ruth, Electrico and more. It wasnt too bad, it was held outdoors at the reflection pond of RP's and it felt nice to listen out and give our support to local bands and music artist also with baby in my arms through out and yes starry night of our stars outfit. Oh and they had Barnfire to perform some firery tricks.
On to Sat, thanks love for the support, after ssdc, we went to have lunch at NYP for some Macs and ice cream, pleasant to spend that time. Decided to move to Vivo city for some look arounds as we have not been there in awhile. Checked out more shops than we would usually, guess shopping in KL Malaysia made us look around to vary prices and good buys now. Zara didnt have her belt and other shops sold stuff she bought at a higher price making her more proud, but for me, G2000 was on sale, sighs. Had Ben and Jerry's and chill around in there for quite awhile till we decided to head to more shops and even dinner was on at Burger King, your ex crush again! Oops. Ha.
It was getting late, so it was time for the 1st night festival in Singapore at the arts museum held over two Fridays and Sat. We headed for it, checked out nice and some significant displays of photography, old items, wayang items and an amazing electronic canvas display. The electronics was okay for me but it just reminds me how the world is really up to date which such technology and knowledge that what can only bring it down is the evil in us. Not forgetting it reminded me of Engineering, all those freaking C codes, binary and what not.
On the outside which we werent in time for was the open air movie where people sat all over the grass patches. After that it was light installations projected out to the whole of the museum, it didnt stop at one design it had at least ten different coloured ones. Over on the the stalls set up, it has fun and games for all ages, fun fair kind of games and cartoonist artist which baby and I give it a shot and got our faces drawn out funnily. Over on the side of SMU, it was Zouk's showcase of MC-ing, breakdancing(which I missed), graffiti competition and turntablism from DJ Shoutkut which amuse the crowd with his hip hop regime. My mum and dad came down too for the night's fest and decided to fetch us back as there was no last bus or train, thanks to that. Hope baby enjoyed, it was a long day, waking up early, bumming into the crowd and staying through part of the hip hop section which she didnt catch the hype. I still like the drawing of your face, love. Funny and it quite looks like you, mini eyes. Heh.
Church at 9am, finally for me. Lunch and Nike sale at and around Kovan. Home for sleep and others. Early and filling dinner and the rest of the day and night was some time with my lappy again.
Church at 9am, finally for me. Lunch and Nike sale at and around Kovan. Home for sleep and others. Early and filling dinner and the rest of the day and night was some time with my lappy again.
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